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Hero Characters separate names with commas
    No other characters should appear Appearances are incompletely indexed (More information about searching groups like the nephews)
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Creators (separate names with commas)
Did the workDid NOT do the work
Exclude items based on works by the creators in the first column but not originally intended to be used in this way

Exclude items that are not known to exist List only one code for stories with multiple storycodes Exclude Q-coded items (non-Disney or not related to comic books)
Date of first publication after before year (four digits)
Story was reprinted in
Albania Algeria Argentina Australia Austria Belarus Belgium Brazil Bulgaria Canada Chile China Colombia Croatia Czechia Denmark Digital comics Egypt Estonia Faroe Islands Finland France Germany Greece Guyana Hong Kong Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Ireland Israel Italy Japan Kuwait Latvia Lebanon Lithuania Luxembourg Malaysia Mexico Mongolia Morocco Netherlands New Zealand North Macedonia Norway Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Romania Russia Saudi Arabia Serbia Singapore Slovakia Slovenia South Africa South Korea Spain Sweden Switzerland Taiwan (ROC) Thailand Tunisia Turkey Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Uruguay Venezuela Vietnam Yugoslavia

Story was NOT reprinted in
Albania Algeria Argentina Australia Austria Belarus Belgium Brazil Bulgaria Canada Chile China Colombia Croatia Czechia Denmark Digital comics Egypt Estonia Faroe Islands Finland France Germany Greece Guyana Hong Kong Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Ireland Israel Italy Japan Kuwait Latvia Lebanon Lithuania Luxembourg Malaysia Mexico Mongolia Morocco Netherlands New Zealand North Macedonia Norway Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Romania Russia Saudi Arabia Serbia Singapore Slovakia Slovenia South Africa South Korea Spain Sweden Switzerland Taiwan (ROC) Thailand Tunisia Turkey Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Uruguay Venezuela Vietnam Yugoslavia

Part (not) of (any of) the subseries (complete list)
References to story (Start of story code)    References to movie (Start of movie code)
Referred to in (Start of story code)
Published (not) in (any of) the publication series with abbreviation(s)
– Filter only on issues reprinted after and before (year), or with number
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Albania Algeria Argentina Australia Austria Belarus Belgium Brazil Bulgaria Canada Chile China Colombia Croatia Czechia Denmark Digital comics Egypt Estonia Faroe Islands Finland France Germany Greece Guyana Hong Kong Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Ireland Israel Italy Japan Kuwait Latvia Lebanon Lithuania Luxembourg Malaysia Mexico Mongolia Morocco Netherlands New Zealand North Macedonia Norway Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Romania Russia Saudi Arabia Serbia Singapore Slovakia Slovenia South Africa South Korea Spain Sweden Switzerland Taiwan (ROC) Thailand Tunisia Turkey Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Uruguay Venezuela Vietnam Yugoslavia
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