Disney comics producers

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Main | XPW M | XPW MD

Disney Publishing Worldwide (global) (storycodes starting with XPW MDT)

Story code  number of itemsTitle or description
XPW MDT  72Mickey & Donald Trust
No ordering between the different series other than rougly chronological should be assumed.
XPW MDT 1  40

Descriptions of related storycodes

Story code Description
XPW MDT 1Young Donald (first wave)
XPW MDT 2Minnie and Daisy Spy Power (first wave)
XPW MDT 3Spookyzone (first wave)
XPW MDT 4Young Donald (second wave)
XPW MDT 5Minnie and Daisy Spy Power (second wave)
XPW MDT 6Spookyzone (second wave)
XPW MDT 7Young Donald (third wave)
XPW MDT 8Minnie and Daisy Spy Power (third wave)
last Spy Power wave
XPW MDT 9Young Donald (fourth wave)
XPW MDT 10Spookyzone (third wave)
XPW MDT 11Young Donald (fifth wave)
XPW MDT 12Spookyzone (fourth wave)
XPW MDT 13Young Donald (sixth wave)
XPW MDT 14Spookyzone (fifth wave)

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