Dolly Paprika

Story code
I TL 3194-1P
Dolly Paprika
3 rows per page
Copernico Pitagorico, Dolly Papera, Dolly Papera's mother, Dolly Papera's sister Margaret, Dolly Paprika, Ducklas Fairbarks (poster), Lord Quackett, Lucrezia (1st), Richard Quackett (illustration), Sir Francis Drake (illustration), Fantomallard [show character portraits]
Marco Gervasio
Art (pencil and ink)
Marco Gervasio
Number of parts
Date of first publication
Le strabilianti imprese di Fantômius ladro gentiluomo, Fantômius
Referred to in
cover: FC MP 368, IC TL 3194
article: Qdk/DDFR 33K, Qfr/MP 368A, Qit/ILPA 27E
various: Qdk/DDFR 33L (illustration), IC DDCO 23N (single panel as illustration), IC DDCO 23G (part 1, page 6, pencil only), IC DDCO 23H (part 2, page 7, pencil only)
This story contains the following items:
  1. I TL 3194-1 Dolly Paprika (part 1, first published 2017-02-08, writing: Marco Gervasio, art: Marco Gervasio, appearances Dolly Papera, Dolly Papera's mother, Dolly Papera's sister Margaret, Dolly Paprika, Ducklas Fairbarks (poster), Lord Quackett, Lucrezia (1st), Fantomallard)
  2. I TL 3194-5 idem (part 2, first published 2017-02-08, writing: Marco Gervasio, art: Marco Gervasio, appearances Copernico Pitagorico, Dolly Papera, Dolly Paprika, Lord Quackett, Lucrezia, Richard Quackett (illustration), Sir Francis Drake (illustration), Fantomallard)

This story is rated 7.3/10 and ranked 562/43759 according to COA users. There have been about 30 votes for this story.

Entry edited by: LPJ (March 27, 2020)

de1913: Detta von Duz lernt John Quackett auf einem Maskenball kennen. 1920: Detta von Duz und Fantomius stehlen gemeinsam den Anhänger "Der Rote Fuchs" aus dem Palais Gram. Detta wird zu Phantomime. (by TSetznagel, history)
zh-hans多利和夸克勋爵第一次见面及多利成为玉面鸭的故事。 (by RedDeWittBeakter, history)
Italy, TL 3194
more scans >>
Italy, TL 3194
This enlargement has been auto-generated, the result may sometimes be unexpected.
Italy, TL 3194 part 2
Brazil, TP 624
Brazil, TP 624 part 2
Portugal, TPS 2
Italy, DDCO 23
Italy, DDCO 23 part 2
Portugal, AMHD 8
France, MP 368
Greece, MMB 311
Greece, MMB 311 part 2
Finland, AATK515

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