Carl Barks

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Carl Barks (, Merrill, Oregon - , Grants Pass, Oregon)
Nationality United States
Animated films Disney Studios: Inbetweener 1935-1936 (Mickey Mouse: Thru the Mirror, Silly Symphonies: Three Little Wolves). Storyman on c. 35 Donald Duck shorts 1936-1942.
Comic-book, comic strips, illustrations Cartoons for The Calgary Eyeopener 1928-1935. - Western Publishing: Comic-book scripts and artwork 1942-1973 (mainly Disney). Created the entire Duckburg universe (including characters such as Uncle Scrooge, the Beagleboys and Gyro Gearloose).
Other information, comments Received some help with the inking from his second wife Clara Balken and his third wife Garé Barks.
External linkLambiek Comiclopedia, Peter Kylling's homepage about Carl Barks

Source: Peter Kylling's homepage about Carl Barks

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