Luciano Bottaro

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Luciano Bottaro (, Rapallo - )
Nationality Italy
Comic-book, comic strips, illustrations Edizioni Alpe: Creator of Pepito 1951, I Postorici 1957 and Whisky & Gogo 1959. - Bianconi: Creator of Pik e Pok 1952 and Baldo 1952. - Lo Scolaro: Creator of Pon Pon 1954. - Fasani: Creator of Piper Maïopi 1959 and Oscar Nasolungo 1960. - Leader of Studio Bierreci with Georgio Rebuffi and Carlo Chendi 1968-1985.
Other information, comments Military service 1950-1951.
External linksLambiek Comiclopedia, Papersera forum (in Italian), Luciano Bottaro's official homepage

Source: Luciano Bottaro's homepage

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