Romano Scarpa

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Romano Scarpa (, Venice - , Málaga, Spain)
Nationality Italy
Education/training Art school, degrees in fine arts and architecture
Animated films Director and animator for his own independent studio 1945-1953. Produced commercials and the two shorts E Poi Venne il Diluvio 1946 and La Piccola Fiammiferaia 1951. - Director and animator for a new studio early 1970s. Produced Aihnoo degli Icebergs 1972. - RAI: Director and animator of The Fourth King/Il Quarto Re 1977. - France Animation: Artistic creator of the TV series The Adventures of Marco and Gina 2001.
Comic-book, comic strips, illustrations Comic-book artwork for non-Disney characters: Yogi Bear, Lupo.
External linkLambiek Comiclopedia, Romano Scarpa, un artista inusitato

Source: Andeby Online

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