Denmark: Hall of Fame

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Country: Denmark
(default language: Danish)
Category: Hardcovers / Indbundet
series unnumbered
Issue numbers for this publication have been assigned by Inducks

Maintainers: LPJ, MJe, MKT, NHH, ODa, SKO.
Indexers: TPL (19), ODa (4), NSL (3), NHH (2), ACS (1), DGe (1), Johannes Albertsen (1), Laila Jespersen (1), MJe (1), SPe (1).

1 Don Rosa 2 Romano Scarpa 3 Carl Barks og bilerne i Andeby 4 Victor Arriagada Ríos
5 Don Rosa – bog 2 6 Paul Murry 7 Marco Rota 8 Carl Barks og bordets glæder
9 Don Rosa – bog 3 10 Dragonlords 11 William Van Horn 12 Romano Scarpa – bog 2
13 Carl Barks og Daan Jippes 14 Daniel Branca 15 Tony Strobl 16 Don Rosa – bog 4
17 Floyd Gottfredson 18 Carl Barks og sporten 19 Paul Murry 2 20 Don Rosa - bog 5
21 Don Rosa - bog 6 22 Freddy Milton og Daan Jippes 23 Don Rosa - bog 7 24 Don Rosa - bog 8
25 Don Rosa - bog 9 26 Don Rosa - bog 10

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