Ratings for Hearts Of The Yukon (D 95044)

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gorjan10    Monday, Aug 4, 2008, 01:25:54 PM  Very haunting and emotional story, where for the first time you can see Scrooge's transformation in his life after he had found the goose-egg gold nugget. With this story Don Rosa skilfully describes Scrooge's fight with his own emotions and gives a strong tought of what would happend if Scrooge ever had opened that letter he recieved from Goldie at the end. That's the beauty and the sadeness of this story. Highly recomended, alltogheter with Barks' classc "Back to Klondike".
sandra88    Monday, Sep 14, 2009, 05:43:52 PM  Very beautiful story. Easily my favourite Don Rosa story
Appie Aap    Friday, Nov 20, 2009, 08:58:43 PM  Quite an heavy and moody story. The artwork is beautiful and detailed. The plot is romantic and emotional, with a tad of humour thrown in for compensation.
Greg93    Saturday, Dec 25, 2010, 07:42:23 PM  Ένα πολύ τρυφερό κεφάλαιο της ζωής του Σκρουτζ.
themisgreek    Saturday, Apr 23, 2011, 07:44:29 PM  10 for one of the most sentimental stories ever written!!
hdc    Monday, Dec 19, 2011, 11:24:18 PM  The best story to come out from the whole Life and Times series and one of the best Rosa has done.
kevoreka    Sunday, Feb 19, 2012, 05:15:02 PM  one of best from Rosa
Track    Monday, Aug 19, 2013, 03:50:48 PM  Schnulzig schön!
Duca Quaquarone    Thursday, Aug 22, 2013, 09:05:44 AM  Come non rimanere un attimo in rispettoso silenzio dopo aver letto questa storia?
wolcit    Thursday, Oct 10, 2013, 11:56:18 PM  É uma das melhor história que já li. É uma história fantástica.
Fihalho    Sunday, Dec 8, 2013, 12:21:40 PM  Gute Rosa Story, aber viel zu hohe Platzierung da gerade jüngere Disney Einsteiger viele ältere Geschichten egal ob von Barks, Rota, Scarpa, Vicar...... Vermutlich gar nicht kennen !
Top 100-150 wäre eher angebracht.
mimim    Sunday, Oct 26, 2014, 02:50:16 PM  Meine absolute Lieblingsgeschichte. Als Kind/Teenager habe ich in der Bibliothek gelegentich mal in Comic-Sammelbänden gestöbert und fand sie allenfalls ganz nett. Diese Geschichte stellte den Wendepunkt dar, sie hat mich nachhaltig beeindruckt und immer mehr von Dagoberts Leben (und Nelly) wissen wollen. Auch heute, fast 10 Jahre später, finde ich sie großartig.
Lafayet    Saturday, Jun 4, 2016, 07:55:06 AM  Is really Barks' "Back to the Klondike" rated much better than this story? This one is way better.
XGorthanX    Wednesday, Jul 6, 2016, 06:31:25 PM  Il miglior capitolo bis della saga donrosiana, molto meglio dell'evitabilissima Prigioniera
Alex Luther    Sunday, Aug 21, 2016, 05:45:03 PM  One of Rosa's best. 7/10
Mankkop    Thursday, Mar 30, 2017, 12:48:51 PM  The love romance is at the level of a 1990s USA tv series, but it's pretty good. Vote: 8.
m3gr1ml0ck    Sunday, Oct 8, 2017, 04:24:57 PM  Difficile dire qualcosa di particolare su ogni episodio della saga di Paperone ampliata da Don Rosa, dato che una delle principali caratteristiche dell'autore è il rigore, e tale rigore implica che ogni episodio si attenga alle regole stilistiche dell'autore.
Ecco quindi i personaggi storici dello scrittore London e del buffonesco colonnello Steele (ma perchè "più viscido del fango sulla maniglia di una porta" è un complimento femminile?). Ecco il rude minatore Paperone che compie imprese sovraumane, e che nella traversata della tormenta di neve incontra Babbo Natale (e invece no). Ecco le due memorabili scene madri: Paperone che attraversa "il mondo in fiamme" per andare da Doretta, e il saloon in fiamme tutt'intorno alla sempre gelida Doretta.
Intenso ed epico, continua ad ampliare la dimensione titanica di un Papero unico, che diviene leggenda come lo è la storia degli USA.
Jimbo Slip    Wednesday, Jun 20, 2018, 03:05:27 PM  Rosa on autopilot. Not only he seems to have lost his touch for fluid storytelling, but he also keeps repeating the same old themes that have appeared in better form in his earlier works. Furthermore, he has turned Scrooge into a pathetic and unlikable character, unable to bring a romance to fruition, and perpetually agonizing over this. Maybe Rosa is exorcising some of his own demons, who knows, but it really doesn't translate well in a Disney comic. Cliched melodramatic touches don't help either.
Julius Spectaculus    Wednesday, Jun 27, 2018, 10:14:10 AM  Very nice... 9/10
Vraxas    Monday, May 11, 2020, 12:44:30 PM  As I have already reported in my review of "The Argonaut Of White Agony Creek", these two stories constitute the best part of Scrooge's L&T (aka Disney's best comics ever), with Scrooge at his prime becoming the King of the Klondike.

I firmly believe this is underrated in inducks (just 7.8?). L&T is the living proof that the student became the Master.
Duckly    Monday, Nov 23, 2020, 04:50:16 PM  "The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck" is, in my opinion, one big coherent story. So it doesn't make sense for me to give each chapter an independent rating. Overall, it's by far the best Disney story. Therefore 10/10.
ert    Friday, Apr 15, 2022, 01:15:16 PM  La migliore storia mai pubblicata. Disegni come sempre ottimi e trama incredibile. Meglio di un film. Assolutamente 10. Consigliata a chiunque.
Burbach    Tuesday, Aug 9, 2022, 02:20:28 PM  9/10
Hrysaor    Saturday, Jun 17, 2023, 05:59:39 PM  Κρυάδα. Υπερβολές, κακό χιούμορ, κάψιμο του Ντώσον. 4/10

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