Ratings for Topolino e l'unghia di Kalì (I TL 183-AP)

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Rate the story Topolino e l'unghia di Kalì (I TL 183-AP)
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User comments

123    Tuesday, Jul 31, 2007, 12:49:14 PM  Abc on oikeassa
spe    Monday, Aug 27, 2007, 08:24:14 PM  Scarpa at his best
cattiniwilliam    Thursday, Dec 6, 2007, 06:59:23 PM  Ero piccolino e mi ci perdevo dentro...
minz68    Saturday, Jan 12, 2008, 03:31:14 PM  Excellent! Great plot and drawings
sigvald    Saturday, Apr 19, 2008, 01:16:57 AM  Scarpa is OK, but he's not Barks, and this isn't his best story either.
Elephant31    Monday, Aug 4, 2008, 01:25:51 PM  a classic, one of the best stories of Mickey
Mickeymania    Monday, Aug 4, 2008, 01:26:00 PM  abc is very stupid...
PCa    Monday, Aug 4, 2008, 01:26:05 PM  One of my all-times-best, in my personal top-ten
LEFEBVRE Rodolphe    Monday, Apr 20, 2009, 02:39:17 PM  Une belle histoire, pas la meilleure de Scarpa mais tout de même.
chiarafonte    Wednesday, Jun 10, 2009, 06:14:29 PM  Storia stupenda. Secondo me la migliore di tutti i tempi
pazza_inter    Sunday, Aug 2, 2009, 12:57:39 PM  Un capolavoro di un grande maestro disney!
cubo    Monday, Oct 5, 2009, 05:21:13 PM  Secondo me la migliore storia di Scarpa. Scarpa's best story, IMHO.
Stella    Saturday, Mar 26, 2011, 11:00:01 AM  Ancora oggi attuale e perfetta. Grazie, sommo poeta del fumetto!
leomoriani@hotmail.it    Saturday, Jul 23, 2011, 06:13:47 AM  Magnifico giallo di Scarpa!
Verios    Saturday, Apr 21, 2012, 07:44:09 PM  Meiner Meinung nach eine der besten Geschichten von Scarpa!
GeoX    Monday, May 21, 2012, 07:56:20 PM  Clever solution (though I can't get over the way the Kali-disguised guy is somehow able to shoot four guns at once), but when you get through it once, and know what happens, you're pretty much done with it. To me, it doesn't have the lasting appeal of a true classic.
woutjens    Thursday, Nov 29, 2012, 03:16:43 PM  Very,very strange, I don't like the Mickey Mouse stories of scarpa, just the early Donald duck's.
66.nemecsek    Tuesday, Jun 18, 2013, 05:38:39 PM  Splendida!
Duca Quaquarone    Wednesday, Aug 21, 2013, 09:02:02 PM  La più bella di sempre no... E presenta anche qualche incongruenza (per esempio come fa il colpevole a muovere tutte le braccia del travestimento?) Rimane comunque una piacevolissima storia.
DonAlex    Sunday, Oct 20, 2013, 01:39:16 PM  Quite some suspense,
wonderful atmosphere
m3gr1ml0ck    Sunday, Jan 5, 2014, 08:47:00 PM  Splendido giallo, ben orchestrato e in continuo crescendo.
Ironia, inquietudini, scene quasi horror, personaggi ben caratterizzati.
Ottimi disegni.
Non tutto torna nella trama: l'unghia infrangibile che viene spezzata così facilmente, il travestimento da Kalì che riesce a gestire quattro pistole, il motivo per cui la traccia del disco è riproducibile solo con un'unghia di un antico idolo che era proprio a casa di Purcell... ma è l'atmosfera che conta!
Anche a distanza di decenni, infatti, la storia continua ad avere una forza e una capacità di intrigare che la rendono senza età: le tecnologie citate ovviamente la collocano in un periodo storico ben preciso, ma senza datarla. Ogni tavola e ogni inquadratura, graziate da un eccellente piglio visuale cinematografico, sono infatti attuali nella loro costruzione impeccabile.
Un esempio su tutti: l'inizio del flashback narrato da Rik Purcell, con la figura du questi che "sfuma" sopra le immagini del passato. Favoloso.
Il ritmo narrativo serrato, la ricchezza di invenzioni, le gag che si mescolano alla tensione gialla, la robusta caratterizzazione dei personaggi, i dialoghi limpidamente concisi... tutto quanto contribuisce a costruire una vicenda memorabile, così complessa e articolata da poter essere riletta più volte di seguito senza che essa riesca a stancare (anzi, ogni lettura offre nuove scoperte).
roderese    Friday, Jun 20, 2014, 01:09:45 PM  Una delle migliori storie di Topolino!
near    Monday, Aug 4, 2014, 06:12:54 PM  Ottima storia ma non sono riuscito ad apprezzarla appieno. Ci sono buchi di trama e la storia ricorda fin troppo da vicino "Il mistero di Macchia Nera". Ottima prova di Scarpa nello svolgimento e nelle atmosfere, i veri pezzi forti del racconto. 8
Gotham    Friday, Aug 15, 2014, 06:36:39 PM  Un ottimo giallo, ma non è il capolavoro di Scarpa!
Squalleon    Monday, Oct 6, 2014, 06:51:56 PM  Good premise, good plot(although very similar to outwitts the phantom blot) but terrible ending. The supernatural element bumps it to a 8/10.
brando90    Wednesday, Nov 5, 2014, 02:28:51 AM  Imperdibile
MariaVittoria    Friday, Feb 20, 2015, 02:18:40 PM  giallo eccezionale, grande Scarpa
V-mouse    Sunday, Mar 1, 2015, 11:27:52 PM  La ricchezza di atmosfere fornisce il senso di opera di qualità. Intrigante e figurativo il mistero, divertente il buffo "spiegone" finale. Più che buoni i disegni, pur non mancando talvolta visi di Topolino e Minni bruttini, bilanciati però dall'eccellente dinamismo di molte tavole.
Mario123    Sunday, Jul 19, 2015, 04:18:40 AM  Alright this is everything wrong with the story (off the top of my head);
1. It’s attempts at humor come off as either cliché (Mickey and Goofy don’t have refined taste, hahaha) or stupidly weird(Professor Hito’s game of tiddlywinks)
2. Minnie acts like a spoiled brat the whole story. (I know she did in some Gottfredson serials but I didn’t like it in those and I don’t like it here)
3. Numerous Logical Gaps such as: Why would Minnie bring Goofy, the biggest klutz/idiot she knows to a mansion full of expensive artifacts? Even worse than that is when Hogg calls the police saying there’s been a theft in his house. The police, instead of asking what’s been stolen immediately send the entire police force including the chief of police to Hogg Mansion, just for them all to leave because somehow the nail, despite being made of an unknown mineral which happens to be the hardest thing in the world, is somehow not worth the police’s time.
4. Hogg’s Hindu servant is pretty stereotypical.
5. It has in my opinion the worst Mickey moment in Disney comic history. So Mickey meets O’Hara at a house where there’s been a break in related to the case. O’Hara tells Mickey that the house’s tennet heard frightening noises that were “Neither Human or Mechanical” and that he refuses to come downstairs. Mickey than says “Is he a weakling…A Scardy-Cat?” This comes off as pretty insensitive since this man’s was waken up from his sleep in a terrifying manner to find out that his home has been violated. Not only does this make Mickey look like an asshole it’s also bad storytelling because when the tennet does come downstairs we find out he’s in pristine physical shape which is supposed to create build up for the story’s antagonist but instead comes off as being a lazy way to create suspense.
6. Scarpa’s homage to “Phantom Blot” is less of a homage and more of a rip off.
The only good thing is the art, which is solid.
Monkey_Feyerabend    Friday, Jul 31, 2015, 01:57:23 PM  I read this story when I was ten, and it shocked me. For the first time in my life comics revealed their potentiality as a dignified form of art. This kind of "realization" is experienced in a lifetime many times for different media and human artifacts (music, novels, movies, science, food, drugs, you name it...). But the ones occurring when you are a kid are the best to be reminded. :)
Of course, this story showed its limits when I read it back in my adult age. It is not a perfect piece of work. And yes, it is certainly worse than the original Gottfredson's "MM outwits the phantom blot". Still, this one by Scarpa remains a super story, with a cool atmosphere.
LuckyLuke    Friday, Feb 5, 2016, 02:35:14 PM  Too similar to "Outwits the Phantom Blot" and not as good. So the comparison doesn't do it any favors.
jakobus    Saturday, Feb 20, 2016, 02:32:06 PM  Zählt für mich zu den besten Kriminalgeschichten überhaupt!
XGorthanX    Friday, Jun 10, 2016, 06:43:54 PM  La migliore di Scarpa in assoluto
Julius Spectaculus    Wednesday, Jun 27, 2018, 01:13:51 PM  Very, very good! Only thing I don't like so much is the art, so "only" 9/10
tregua78    Monday, Sep 9, 2019, 10:47:27 PM  Un giallo splendido (anche se io non amo moltissimo il genere) che tiene incollati dall'inizio alla fine.
Qui la trama è ben congeniata e il finale risulta piuttosto inaspettato e quindi colpisce piacevolmente
marioandreaaldeghi    Monday, Oct 19, 2020, 03:22:21 PM  Ottima, con un ottimo plot, ma secondo me un pochino sopravvalutata.
tonkduck    Friday, Apr 16, 2021, 10:07:19 AM  It's not one of Scarpa's best, but its quite good. An homage to "Outwits the phantom blot" by Gottfredson, with mickey trying to discover who stole Kali's nail.

There's a couple of plot points that make no sense, and a couple of jokes fall flat, but the pacing is good. Sadly, the villain is a bit underwhelming too. 7.5/10
MicheleLM    Friday, Jan 21, 2022, 11:21:33 AM  Lessi questa storia grazie a un Topomistery degli anni 90. Mi induceva tutte le emozioni che un thriller possa dare. Davvero magnifica.
Rodiandrea    Friday, Feb 25, 2022, 01:21:29 PM  Ottimo giallo
xShinatox    Friday, Aug 26, 2022, 10:20:49 AM  Très bonne enquête policière.
atobibas1    Friday, Aug 11, 2023, 02:40:31 PM  Ahh! This is undeniably a tribute to the work of Gottfredson. In fact I found this story incredibly similar to '-Outwits the Phantom Blot'. That's not a bad thing, that's a good story. I don't know if the twist was any good, since I accidentally read the final page of the story..., but it doesn't feel out of place. This strikes a good balance between a lot of tones. Still, it's sort of... boring. I don't know. It feels like a good story, but also only that. - 9/10. Since, I can't really find any negatives, but it didn't leave me blown away...
Baturzo 82    Sunday, Jan 14, 2024, 04:52:05 PM  Bellissimo giallo, che si sviluppa con ritmo a brio, si giova di personaggi ottimamente caratterizzati (il Topolino di Scarpa è davvero fantastico) e va a sfociare in una soluzione finale sbalorditiva. Non altrettanto eclatante ma comunque validissima la parte grafica.

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