Ratings for Paperinik e il mistero del falso che è vero (I TL 3092-1)

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User comments

Giordanduck    Wednesday, May 24, 2017, 12:13:10 PM  Penso sia la peggior storia che ho mai letto insieme a un altro paio dello stesso autore, personaggi completamente OOC, trama che vabbé, plot twist che non hanno senso narrativo ("OOH! CHE ANSIA!"), boh
Julius Spectaculus    Tuesday, Sep 5, 2017, 05:45:13 PM  Not sure why this is in the worst 100. It's a bit of a weird mixture of PKNA and Casty's "Topolino e la neve spazzastoria" and the villain crashing out of the computer screen into the police office is a bit of an overly weird moment - but the content is more relevant than even two years ago. 7/10
hdc    Tuesday, Dec 5, 2017, 05:07:15 AM  The topic is relevant, but it is handled very poorly.
At least there is Mottura's art.
Paulo Henrique Sousa Silva    Thursday, Oct 1, 2020, 05:46:18 PM  Amazing story! 9/10
TSetznagel    Wednesday, Aug 11, 2021, 11:20:57 AM  Motturas Zeichnungen sind echt schön und die Idee ist gut, die Geschichte ist aber Müll.

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