Ratings for Luck of the North (W OS 256-02)

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User comments

Elephant31    Monday, Aug 4, 2008, 01:25:51 PM  average story with a good beginning
Kreach    Sunday, Feb 8, 2009, 11:57:01 AM  That's boring.
hurriflash    Saturday, Jun 19, 2010, 04:45:27 PM  L'ho trovata ricca di spunti
lawrlr    Saturday, Mar 3, 2012, 05:16:48 AM  Nonstop adventure and humor. Great story!
Maiq    Monday, Jun 4, 2012, 10:06:59 AM  The story isn't brilliant and exciting but the drawings (especially the expressing of the feeling of the ducks, just look at page 7 & 8) are great.
nahl55    Friday, Sep 14, 2012, 03:28:16 AM  One of my favorite Donald Duck adventures by Carl Barks.
willem    Tuesday, Dec 4, 2012, 03:12:41 PM  You're right, the expressing of the feeling of the ducks on page 7&8 are brilliant, surely a top 10 of Barks
hgho    Wednesday, Feb 27, 2013, 07:49:19 PM  Good story!
A great adventure who tells the reader how to characters is!
kugleskoer    Friday, Jun 14, 2013, 05:41:25 PM  I agree - The story as such may not be Barks' very best, but I consider the depiction of Donald's growing feelings of guilt one of the most touching sequenses Barks ever created.
jan    Tuesday, Aug 20, 2013, 05:39:51 PM  The best gladstone story
Fihalho    Tuesday, Oct 22, 2013, 11:42:48 AM  Hervorragende Geschichte !
William Wayne    Sunday, Jul 19, 2015, 09:34:33 PM  Outstanding!
Great animation along with exiting storyline supllies another fantastic comic from my all time favorite animator, Carl Barks.
Monkey_Feyerabend    Wednesday, Oct 7, 2015, 08:37:38 AM  A list of small things I love in this great story.
1) The dialogue between Gladstone and Donald in the first three panels, just perfect!
2) The famous pages 7-8 with the slow change in Donald's feelings, of course.
3) In the first two panels in page 27 we see a very rare instance of an almost "moment-to-moment" transition: this surprised me a little, since that's the kind of thing that you would aspect only from "His Animation Hightness" Gottfredson, whereas usually "Mr. Hyper-Synthesis" Barks only proceeded by large "action-to-action" (almost "scene-to-scene") transitions.
3) In the original american coloring the daily light is represented with a constant dazzling yellow in background, and this creates an interesting atmosphere.
4) The Polar Bear already on the crest of the wave...simple but damn funny!
5) The comment of the sailor on the four ducks "out of their mind": a story with such good dialogues and emotional changes truly deserved this beautiful ending panel!

Appie Aap    Friday, Oct 9, 2015, 06:55:43 PM  As often with Barks, an excellent beginning, an average middle part with good ideas and a rushed ending.
fernandosantiago    Sunday, Aug 7, 2016, 09:18:27 AM  Nunca canso de ler essa história. Sensacional!
near    Thursday, Mar 23, 2017, 08:15:07 AM  Forse non sarà il miglior Barks, ma un paio di vignette valgono la storia solo per l'espressività dei personaggi. 8
K.I.S..A.    Sunday, Apr 2, 2017, 05:49:20 AM  Greater than you may think!
tonkduck    Wednesday, Nov 1, 2017, 11:08:24 AM  Ok story. I really like Donald's sense of guilt, and the images of the viking ship.
Korjakenknacker    Thursday, Jun 20, 2019, 07:46:09 AM  In dieser genialen Geschichte ist meine Lieblingsszene drin: Donald wird in textlosen Panels von Panel zu Panel immer mehr psychisch erniedrigt. "Ein Meisterwerk an menschlichen Gefühlen, dass hier ins Bild gesetzt wurde" (sagte Mal ein norwegischer Journalist)
DuckfanDownUnder    Monday, Apr 27, 2020, 12:55:22 PM  Excellent character-driven story. Shame about the depiction of American Indians. 9/10
Rodiandrea    Tuesday, Dec 7, 2021, 01:07:13 PM  Ottima
ert    Saturday, Apr 16, 2022, 04:25:23 PM  Molto bella. Una delle migliori 10 di Barks
xShinatox    Monday, Oct 3, 2022, 03:38:37 PM  Un classique.
M3Gr1ml0ck    Friday, Apr 14, 2023, 01:48:05 PM  Splendida arte, efficacissima soprattutto in bianco e nero (e quindi ancor più pregevole).
Avventura memorabile, realistica, angosciante nei suoi pericoli tra i ghiacci del Polo. Suggestiva e affascinante, nel suop senso di meraviglia, quando la nave vichinga viene prima ritrovata e poi rimessa in mare.
Tocca il cuore la scena in cui Paperino, condannato a restare arenato sui ghiacci, chiede a Gastone di salvare QQQ, come anche il rifiuto di QQQ di abbandonarlo (Barks però non vuole esagerare, e restando coerente coi personaggi, mette in burletta anche questo raro momento di lirismo, che altri autori epigoni dimenticano di considerare).
Sorprendente finale positivo, con il documento storico che precede la scoperta di Cristoforo Colombo, dopo tante traversie.
Gastone era inizialmente non solo fortunato, ma anche "truffatore". Anche così, Barks riesce comunque a dargli una simpatia che poi è andata persa. Paperino è a sua volta vendicativo e invidioso, ma anche responsabile e dotato di coscienza, come rivela la bellissima scena dei dubbi notturni, con le inestimabili vignette silenziose e la scena della immaginta violenta morte di Gastone, narrate con una tecnica atipica, efficace, che richiama animazioni adulte.
Baturzo 82    Saturday, Dec 16, 2023, 09:20:41 PM  Una delle prime storie in cui compare Gastone: per la precisione, la sesta. Si tratta di un’onesta avventura tra i ghiacci nordici, che non trova momenti di particolare genialità, nemmeno nel colpo di scena finale, ma che si lascia leggere con un certo piacere. Belli anche i disegni dello stesso Barks, soprattutto per quanto concerne le scenografie nordiche.

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