Ratings for The World of Tomorrow (YM 064)

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User comments

malachia85    Saturday, May 8, 2010, 02:18:35 PM  9 + Drammatica. Superlative le strisce del 3, 4 e 8 Novembre.
Corrado    Tuesday, Aug 4, 2015, 03:35:08 PM  One of the best Mouse-stories of all times!
tonkduck    Friday, Feb 14, 2020, 11:58:21 AM  There's something weirdly chaotic about Bill Walsh scripts for the Mickey Mouse strips. The first parts of this story follow a gag-a-day structure, with very little continuity. Then, i changes into a full-fledged adventure were Pete is trying to take over the universe with robots. It's pretty uneven, with some very creative things, but a weak overall plot and a pretty dissapointing ending. 7.5/10
MouseMaestro    Tuesday, Aug 4, 2020, 01:45:19 AM  If the first half was like the second half, it would be one of the all-time best stories. As it stands, it is merely good instead of great.

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