Top 42901-43000

   6.81/10 (8 votes)

Writing: Anne-Marie Dester
Art: Guido Scala

Zio Paperone e l'invasione medievale (1977)

I TL 1120-A

   6.81/10 (8 votes)

Writing: François Corteggiani
Art: Silvio Camboni

Topolino e l'eredità... fantasma (1993)

I TL 1954-B

   6.81/10 (8 votes)

Writing: Augusto Macchetto
Art: Roberta Migheli

Paperina e la grinta cittadina (1998)

I TL 2226-3

   6.81/10 (8 votes)

Writing: Sergio Tulipano
Art: Tiberio Colantuoni

Sveglia! (2001)

I TL 2368-3

   6.81/10 (8 votes)

Writing: Bruno Sarda
Art: Paolo Mottura

Pippo e il consiglio inefficace (2003)

I TL 2489-4

   6.81/10 (8 votes)

Writing: Annamaria Durante
Art: Carlo Limido

Orazio e la stressante invasione festaiola (2005)

I TL 2591-4

   6.81/10 (8 votes)

Writing: Augusto Macchetto
Art: Maurizio Amendola

Gastone genio del golf (2010)

I TL 2858-3

   6.81/10 (8 votes)

Writing: Gabriele Mazzoleni
Art: Francesco Guerrini

Paperino & la scultura riciclata (2013)

I TL 3005-3

   6.81/10 (8 votes)

Writing: Pietro Zemelo
Art: Roberto Vian

Zio Paperone e lo sciopero paradossale (2016)

I TL 3150-3

   6.81/10 (13 votes)

Writing: ?
Art: Luciano Capitanio

Paperino automobilista modello (1965)

I TL 518-D

   6.81/10 (13 votes)

Writing: Paola Mulazzi
Art: Fabiana Iacolucci

Amelia strega stratega (2001)

I TL 2362-4

   6.81/10 (13 votes)

Writing: Carlotta Quattrocolo
Art: Giulio Chierchini

Pluto e la vacanza canina (2006)

I TL 2641-3

   6.81/10 (13 votes)

Writing: Kari Korhonen
Art: Kari Korhonen

The Disappearance of the Gearloose Brothers (2020)

D 2019-115

   6.81/10 (18 votes)

Writing: Jerry Siegel
Art: Guido Scala

Zio Paperone e l'antimonetario (1973)

I TL 913-C

   6.81/10 (18 votes)

Writing: Riccardo Pesce
Art: Valerio Held

Qui Quo Qua e il terzo incomodo (2007)

I TL 2689-5

   6.81/10 (18 votes)

Writing: Gabriele Mazzoleni
Art: Paolo De Lorenzi

Paperinik colpisce ancora! (2014)

I TL 3077-3

   6.81/10 (8 votes)

Writing: Luis Destuet
Art: Luis Destuet

Donald futbolista (1949)

XA EPD 249

   6.81/10 (8 votes)

Writing: Vic Lockman?
Pencils: Pete Alvarado
Ink: Steve Steere

Some Kind of Nut (1970)

W WDC 359-02

   6.81/10 (8 votes)

Writing: Stefano Ambrosio
Art: Lorenzo Pastrovicchio

Missione: Ombre sulle stelle (2009)

I TL 2817-2

   6.81/10 (7 votes)

Art: Ralph Heimdahl

W WDC 87-03 (1947)

   6.81/10 (7 votes)

Art: Tony Strobl

Mixed-up Magic (1956)

W MM 46-03

   6.81/10 (7 votes)

Art: Frank McSavage

The Black Feather Baffler (1956)

W MM 50-04

   6.81/10 (7 votes)

Pencils: Pete Alvarado
Ink: Tony DiPaola

The Cow Catchers (1971)

W ARIS 1-03

   6.81/10 (7 votes)

Plot: Joel Katz
Script: Albert Cosser
Pencils: Antoni Bancells Pujadas
Ink: ?

Capricious Carnival (1987)

D 8238

   6.81/10 (7 votes)

Writing: David Gerstein
Pencils: Cèsar Ferioli Pelaez
Ink: ?, David Gerstein (reinking of panels from YM 30-12-24 and YM 31-08-20)

Picturing The Past (1998)

D 98091

   6.81/10 (7 votes)

Writing: Vincenzo Mollica
Art: Giorgio Cavazzano

Paperica e la nonna da Nobel (1999)

I TL 2298-1

   6.81/10 (7 votes)

Writing: Darko Macan
Pencils: Miguel Fernández Martinez
Ink: ?

Blame The Fame (2001)

D 99249

   6.81/10 (7 votes)

Writing: Bruno Sarda
Art: Michele Mazzon

Paperoga e la talpa ostinata (2004)

I TL 2552-4

   6.81/10 (7 votes)

Writing: Ruud Straatman
Pencils: Maximino Tortajada Aguilar
Ink: Comicup Studio

Spacebot (2006)

H 25034

   6.81/10 (7 votes)

Writing: Rune Meikle
Art: Giorgio Cavazzano

Weeds and Monsters (2017)

D 2015-196

   6.81/10 (7 votes)

Writing: Silvia Gianatti
Art: Andrea Lucci

Auguri di cuore (2017)

I TL 3192-4

   6.81/10 (7 votes)

Writing: Tito Faraci
Art: Lucio Leoni

Ciccio, Paperinik e le creature della fattoria (2020)

I TL 3359-6

   6.81/10 (7 votes)

Writing: Gabriele Panini
Art: Maurizio Amendola

Doppio gioco (2021)

I TL 3419-5

   6.81/10 (12 votes)

Writing: Rudy Salvagnini
Art: Paolo Mottura

La minaccia dei sub-paperoidi auto-reverse (1998)

I PKNA 20-2

   6.81/10 (12 votes)

Writing: Carlo Panaro
Art: Alberto Lavoradori

Paperino e l'ospitalità aliena (1999)

I TL 2249-2

   6.81/10 (12 votes)

Writing: Gaya Perini
Art: Roberta Migheli

Archimede e il recupera oggetti smarriti (2006)

I TL 2637-3

   6.81/10 (12 votes)

Writing: Paul Halas
Pencils: Antoni Bancells Pujadas
Ink: ?

Living Fossils (2006)

D 2003-318

   6.81/10 (12 votes)

Writing: Marco Bosco
Art: Luciano Milano

Paperinik e la crociera degli inganni (2008)

I PKC 40-1

   6.81/10 (12 votes)

Writing: Giorgio Figus
Art: Alessandro Gottardo

Archimede esperto di sopravvivenza (2010)

I TL 2845-4

   6.81/10 (12 votes)

Writing: Bruno Sarda, Giorgio Figus
Art: Marco Meloni

Indiana Pipps e i frutti di cristallo (2012)

I TL 2957-5

   6.81/10 (12 votes)

Writing: Tea Orsi
Art: Emilio Urbano

Paperino e l'impresa natalizia (2012)

I PM 390-1

   6.81/10 (12 votes)

Writing: Giorgio Fontana
Art: Donald Soffritti

Musica, Maestro! (2021)

I TL 3437-3

   6.81/10 (19 votes)

Plot: Vincenzo Mollica
Script: Alberto Savini
Art: Giorgio Cavazzano

Paperica e la disfida degli scoop (2002)

I TL 2408-1

   6.81/10 (17 votes)

Writing: Bruno Sarda
Art: Federico Mancuso

La PIA e il rally di Montecarola (2004)

I TL 2555-7

   6.81/10 (17 votes)

Writing: Carlo Panaro
Art: Ottavio Panaro

Zio Paperone e l'incredibile San Valentino (2007)

I TL 2673-2

   6.81/10 (17 votes)

Writing: Rudy Salvagnini
Art: Roberta Migheli

Paperino e l'indispensabile pezzo di ricambio (2008)

I TL 2757-3

   6.81/10 (28 votes)

Writing: Sergio Badino
Pencils: Giorgio Cavazzano
Ink: Sandro Zemolin

Topolino e la leggenda dei robo-presidenti (2007)

I TL 2714-1

   6.81/10 (7 votes)

Writing: Ennio Missaglia
Art: Giuseppe Perego

Topolino e l'incidente provvidenziale (1963)

I TL 373-B

   6.81/10 (6 votes)

Double Trouble (1982)

W WDC 497-02

   6.81/10 (6 votes)

Writing: Dave Rawson
Pencils: Miguel Fernández Martinez
Ink: ?

Yours Virtually (1999)

D 94164

   6.81/10 (6 votes)

Writing: Frank Jonker
Art: José Ramón Bernado

Zevenmijlslaars (2002)

H 21085

   6.81/10 (6 votes)

Writing: Sergio Cabella
Art: Sergio Cabella

Paperino paperotto e la sfida dei mestieri (2004)

I TL 2526-5

   6.81/10 (6 votes)

Writing: Carlo Panaro
Art: Giampiero Ubezio

Orazio e il forno dei desideri (2007)

I TL 2674-4

   6.81/10 (6 votes)

Writing: Augusto Macchetto
Art: Graziano Barbaro

Paperoga e l’affascinante A.D.A. (2018)

I TL 3245-4

   6.81/10 (6 votes)

Writing: Giorgio Fontana
Art: Lara Molinari

Paperinik e l'attacco druidico (2019)

I PPK 25-1

   6.81/10 (6 votes)

Writing: Riccardo Secchi
Art: Federico Franzò

Nonna Papera e la minaccia di Pasticcino 03 (2019)

I TL 3309-4

   6.81/10 (12 votes)

Art: Don Gunn

Drip-Dippy Donald (1947)

W WDC 87-16

   6.81/10 (12 votes)

Writing: Sergio Badino, Sergio Cabella
Art: Enrico Faccini

Paperoga, Paperino e gli intrighi del M.O.L.E.S.T.O. (2011)

I TL 2900-4

   6.81/10 (11 votes)

Writing: Del Connell?
Pencils: Phil DeLara?
Ink: ?

W WDC 164-02 (1954)

   6.81/10 (11 votes)

Art: Jack Bradbury

W WDC 176-04 (1955)

   6.81/10 (11 votes)

Pencils: Harvey Eisenberg
Ink: Steve Steere

Tree Doctor (1958)

W CND 15-06

   6.81/10 (11 votes)

Writing: Dick Kinney
Pencils: Tony Strobl
Ink: ?

The Crystal Gazer (1969)

S 68054

   6.81/10 (11 votes)

Writing: Rudy Salvagnini
Art: Abramo Leghziel

Il mostro dell'astronave (1998)

I TL 2222-3

   6.81/10 (11 votes)

Writing: Diego Fasano
Art: Alessandro Gottardo

Jess Paperino e il dollaro d'oro (1999)

I TL 2278-4

   6.81/10 (11 votes)

Writing: Laura Shaw
Pencils: Massimo Fecchi
Ink: Fecchi Studio

"Mystery!" She Quacked (2001)

D 98278

   6.81/10 (11 votes)

Writing: Massimiliano Valentini
Art: Donald Soffritti

Paperino, Paperoga e il furto al museo (2001)

I TL 2355-1

   6.81/10 (11 votes)

Writing: Carlo Gentina
Art: Lino Gorlero

Zio Paperone e la collezione per distrazione (2006)

I TL 2661-3

   6.81/10 (11 votes)

Writing: Carlo Panaro
Art: Maria Luisa Uggetti

Gilberto e l'intervista difficoltosa (2008)

I TL 2731-4

   6.81/10 (11 votes)

Writing: Carol McGreal, Pat McGreal
Art: Flemming Andersen

Having A Ball In Kiev (2012)

I/D 2011-015

   6.81/10 (11 votes)

Writing: Francesca Agrati
Art: Sergio Asteriti

Orazio e l'inevitabile avvitamento (2014)

I TL 3067-4

   6.81/10 (11 votes)

Plot: Andreas Pihl, Anne Mette Stevn, Diego Bernardo
Script: Andreas Pihl
Art: Diego Bernardo

313's Night Out (2017)

D 2016-199

   6.81/10 (17 votes)

Writing: Vito Stabile
Art: Enrico Faccini

Zio Paperone in: brivido sotto il sole (2013)

I TL 3013-3

   6.81/10 (16 votes)

Writing: Elizabeth Rowe
Pencils: Massimo Fecchi
Ink: Fecchi Studio

What's Luck Got To Do With It? (1998)

D 97011

   6.81/10 (16 votes)

Writing: Carlo Panaro
Art: Michele Mazzon

Archimede e e le microonde atmosferiche (2005)

I TL 2603-5

   6.81/10 (16 votes)

Writing: Rodolfo Cimino
Art: Ottavio Panaro

Zio Paperone e la torta del barone (2005)

I TL 2604-7

   6.81/10 (16 votes)

Writing: Laura Shaw, Mark Shaw
Pencils: Antoni Bancells Pujadas
Ink: ?

Tornado Buster (2010)

D 2006-077

   6.81/10 (5 votes)

Art: Luis Destuet

XA EPD xx7 (1956)

   6.81/10 (5 votes)

Writing: Ed Nofziger
Art: Jaime Diaz Studio

Terror Of The Territory (1983)

S 81146

   6.81/10 (5 votes)

Plot: Michel Motti*
Script: Gino Esposito, Michel Motti*
Art: Gino Esposito (* idea, script or art from another story)

Topolino e il bosco dei non ti scordar di me (1987)

I TL 1667-A

   6.81/10 (5 votes)

Writing: Sarah Kinney
Art: Xavier Vives Mateu

Clarabelle's Christmas Crooks (2009)

D 2008-085

   6.81/10 (5 votes)

Writing: François Corteggiani
Pencils: Joaquín Cañizares Sanchez
Ink: ?

Look Me in the Eye (2011)

D 2009-090

   6.81/10 (5 votes)

Writing: Carol McGreal, Pat McGreal
Pencils: Joaquín Cañizares Sanchez
Ink: ?

A Doggone Dognapping (2013)

D 2011-082

   6.81/10 (5 votes)

Writing: Arthur de Wolf
Art: Sergio Garrido

Tree Trouble (2016)

D/D 2003-044

   6.81/10 (5 votes)

Writing: Roberto Gagnor
Art: Roberto Vian

Danger Dome (2020)


   6.81/10 (22 votes)

Writing: Don Christensen
Art: Paul Murry

W WDC 188-03 (1956)

   6.81/10 (11 votes)

Writing: Roberto Gagnor
Art: Paolo De Lorenzi

Pico de Paperis e la contesa del capannone (2019)

I TL 3295-5

   6.81/10 (10 votes)

Art: Fred Abranz

Never Mind Over Matter (1964)

S 63127

   6.81/10 (10 votes)

Writing: Mark Evanier
Art: Kay Wright

The Bubbly Whale (1974)

W MD 13-02

   6.81/10 (10 votes)

Writing: Stefano Ambrosio
Art: Andrea Freccero

Archimede e la valle che canta (2000)

I TL 2352-5

   6.81/10 (10 votes)

Writing: Gary Leach
Pencils: Carlos Valenti
Ink: ?

Bargain Battle (2004)

D/D 2001-010

   6.81/10 (10 votes)

Writing: Carlo Panaro
Art: Lorenzo Pastrovicchio

Zio Paperone e il pic nic impeccabile (2004)

I TL 2537-3

   6.81/10 (10 votes)

Writing: Noel Van Horn
Art: Noel Van Horn

Predictably Oblivious (2009)

D 2007-213

   6.81/10 (10 votes)

Writing: Gabriele Panini
Art: Lorenzo Pastrovicchio

Fuga sulla neve per Gizmo (2016)

I TL 3169-4

   6.81/10 (15 votes)

Writing: Guido Martina
Art: Giulio Chierchini

Zio Paperone e la regina di Saba (1972)

I TL 875-B

   6.81/10 (15 votes)

Writing: Stefano Ambrosio
Art: Marco Mazzarello

Paperinik e la magica moneta (2008)

I TL 2724-1

   6.81/10 (15 votes)

Writing: Carlo Panaro
Art: Alessandro Perina

Paperino e le tecniche di conquista (2010)

I TL 2864-2

   6.81/10 (15 votes)

Writing: Roberto Gagnor
Art: Ottavio Panaro

Paperina Brigitta e la controestate antisportiva (2012)

I TL 2946-4

   6.81/10 (15 votes)

Writing: Carlo Panaro
Art: Ottavio Panaro

Paperino e la storia a staffetta (2012)

I TL 2968-3

   6.81/10 (15 votes)

Writing: Laura Shaw, Mark Shaw
Art: Giorgio Cavazzano

Dances with Eagles (2014)

D 2011-054

   6.81/10 (20 votes)

Writing: Bruno Sarda, Marco Bosco
Art: Lino Gorlero

Zio Paperone, Paperino e la festa del cugino (2010)

I TL 2835-4

   Ratings are computed using the formula shown left. The rating of a story (noted r) is a weighed average of the quantities <v>s and <v>. The former is the arithmetic average of all ratings given to the story; the later is the average of all ratings given to all stories. The weights depend on the number of votes given to the story (noted n) and of m, the number of votes of the 100th story with the highest number of votes. The second term of the right-hand-side expression accounts ofr the uncertainty attached to stories with few ratings. Some additional algorithm, not displayed here, is used to filter ratings.

1 2...424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 ... 437 438Bottom 1-100 By year By decadeMost controversial By issue (slightly slow) Voters statistics

The information in the Inducks database is available under the conditions as mentioned in the Inducks licence. The pictures on this website are the property of Disney and are not part of Inducks.