Il romanzo di un papero povero

Story code
I TL 586-AP
Il romanzo di un papero povero
3 rows per page
Mamuk (1st), Clarabelle Cow, Daisy Duck, Donald Duck, Gladstone Gander, Gyro Gearloose, Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge [show character portraits]
Guido Martina
Art (pencil and ink)
Giovan Battista Carpi
Number of parts
Date of first publication
Referred to in
cover: GC LTBN 22, IC GCDN 25
article: Qfi/ALP 15C, Qfi/T2020TRJ, Qit/CCD 2H, Qit/CTS 19B, Qit/CTS 19J
various: Qgr/KL 175A (1st panel), Qit/IDI 1N (article;opening page), IC CWD 43D (panel 12.5 double)

Parody of: Il romanzo di un giovane povero (Octave Feuillet)

This story contains the following items:
  1. I TL 586-A Il romanzo di un papero povero (part 1, first published 1967-02-19, writing: Guido Martina, art: Giovan Battista Carpi, appearances Clarabelle Cow, Daisy Duck, Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge) [parodia;Il romanzo di un giovane povero (Octave Feuillet)]
  2. I TL 587-A idem (part 2, first published 1967-02-26, writing: Guido Martina, art: Giovan Battista Carpi, appearances Mamuk (1st), Daisy Duck, Donald Duck, Gladstone Gander, Gyro Gearloose, Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge) [parodia;Il romanzo di un giovane povero (Octave Feuillet)]

This story is rated 7.2/10 and ranked 613/43759 according to COA users. There have been about 50 votes for this story.

enWhen Daisy Duck is about to go to Europe on holiday,she entrusts Donald with a bundle containing 1000 shares of a company called TTTT.Taking care of this bundle turns out to be quite an ordeal for Donald,who,in a fit of rage,burns the shares.Overcome by guilt,he looks for a job to try to make it up to Daisy,and gets hired to look after an old Scottish retired sailor,who turns out to be an old rival of uncle Scrooge.Mistaking him for his uncle,the Scot feeds Donald an orange filled with opium and leaves him on a raft.When Donald wakes up,he is at the North Pole,where he rescues the owner of TTTT,who can be in Duckburg in time to save his company from the rival SSSS.Out of gratitude,he gives Donald 1000 shares,which replace the ones Donald destroyed.Everybody is happy,except for uncle Scrooge,who turns out to be the owner of SSSS (by Antonio1965, history)
deDaisy will zusammen mit Klarabella Kuh eine vierwöchige Europareise machen. Donald soll solange ihre Blumen giessen und das Haus lüften. Ausserdem vertraut sie ihm ihre 1000 SSS-Aktien an, die ihr ganzes Vermögen sind. Aus Angst vor Dieben und Einbrechern entscheidet sich Donald schliesslich, jene Aktien zur Verwahrung an Onkel Dagobert abzugeben, da er meint, dass sie bei ihm besser aufgehoben sind. Von diesem erfährt er dann aber, dass die SSS-Aktien keinen roten Heller wert sind.... (by Bücherwurm, history)
itParodia di "Romanzo di un giovane povero": Paperino scopre di aver ridotto Paperina sul lastrico dopo averle consigliato l'acquisto di azioni sbagliate; per non farle scoprire nulla, cerca disperatamente del denaro... (by Malachia, history)
Italy, TL 586
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Italy, TL 586
This enlargement has been auto-generated, the result may sometimes be unexpected.


Italy, TL 587 part 2
Chile, FAN 122
Denmark, JB 15
Italy, PM 168 part 2
Italy, GCD 198
Italy, GCD 198 part 2
Italy, CLA2 24
Italy, GCDN 25
Italy, GCDN 25 part 2
France, MPP 1029
Changes: gold instead of opium, last panel of 1st part (panel 33.6) added by Giuseppe Perego - 1st page of 2nd part cut
Italy, CWD 43
Changes: last panel of original 1st part (panel 33.6) added by Giuseppe Perego
Italy, CWD 43 part 2
Changes: 1st page of original 2nd part cut
Greece, KL 20
Changes: last panel of original 1st part (panel 33.6) added by Giuseppe Perego - 1st page of original 2nd part cut
Greece, KL 70
Changes: last panel of original 1st part (panel 33.6) added by Giuseppe Perego - 1st page of original 2nd part cut
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