Zio Paperone e la moneta del capitano

Story code
I TL 855-A
Zio Paperone e la moneta del capitano
3 rows per page
Donald Duck, Gyro Gearloose, Huey Dewey and Louie, John D. Rockerduck, Ludwig Von Drake, Uncle Scrooge [show character portraits]
Rodolfo Cimino
Art (pencil and ink)
Giorgio Cavazzano
Date of first publication
Referred to in
Qit/DCOLL18F (article)

This story is rated 7.3/10 and ranked 460/43690 according to COA users. There have been about 40 votes for this story.

enTo win a money prize US with the nephews go undersea to find a rare coin but RKD and a professor make things difficult (by rrr, history)
itPaperone e Rockerduck cercano una moneta "unica" che gli permetta di battere il rivale ad una gara numismatica. (by Joe Acchiappa, history)
itZio Paperone collezionista contro Rockerduck
Italy, TL 855
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Italy, TL 855
This enlargement has been auto-generated, the result may sometimes be unexpected.
Greece, MM 444
France, MPP 1267
Spain, DM 7
Netherlands, PO2 2
Greece, MM 1058
Italy, GCD 240
Italy, MDCS 3
Italy, CWD 70
Changes: last page missing
Germany, MVZ1984-12
Changes: stark gekürzt
Brazil, AVD 6
Changes: Layout remounted

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