Paperinik e la minaccia al rifugio

Story code
I TL 2404-1
Paperinik e la minaccia al rifugio
3 rows per page
Donald Duck, Duck Avenger, Grandpa Beagle, Gyro Gearloose, The Beagle Boys, Uncle Scrooge [show character portraits]
Alberto Savini
Art (pencil and ink)
Giorgio Cavazzano
Date of first publication
Refers to
I TL 706-AP (The Diabolical Duck Avenger) (Villa Rosa)
Referred to in
cover: GC LTB 305, GC LTB 305B

This story is rated 7/10 and ranked 3061/43759 according to COA users. There have been about 25 votes for this story.

Entry edited by: SMa (June 17, 2018)

fiRoope aikoo rakentaa varasäiliön Akun talon alle, Aku pelkää salahuoneensa paljastuvan.
deDagobert will sein Geld kurzzeitig unter Donalds Haus horten. Phantomias versucht alles um sein dort liegendes Versteck zu retten. (by Deponianer, history)
itZio Paperone vuole costruire un deposito segreto sotto la casa di Paperino
plMając na uwadze względy bezpieczeństwa i nieustanne zagrożenie ze strony Braci Be, Sknerus postanawia umieścić część swoich pieniędzy pod domem Donalda. Kaczor nie chce do tego dopuścić, gdyż wtedy wyszły by na jaw jego tajemnice związane z sekretną tożsamością. Postanawia przenieść rzeczy Superkwęka do Różanej Willi. (by tolio, history)
Italy, TL 2404
more scans >>
Italy, TL 2404
This enlargement has been auto-generated, the result may sometimes be unexpected.
Germany, LTB 305
Italy, PSC 5
Greece, ALM 163
Italy, GIG 5
Italy, PD 52
Italy, PKA 16
Germany, LTBUP26
Italy, PKOM 56

The information in the Inducks database is available under the conditions as mentioned in the Inducks licence. The pictures on this website are the property of Disney and are not part of Inducks.