Donald Duck

Story code
YD 51-07-25
Daily strips (US)
Donald Duck
Newspaper strip
Daisy Duck, Donald Duck [show character portraits]
Bob Karp
Art (pencil and ink)
Al Taliaferro
Date of first publication
Referred to in
BC MI2 63 (idea), FC JM 157 (same idea)

Entry edited by: Federico Provenzano (March 12, 2024)

enDA uses one of her shoes to hang a nail on the wall; shoe for hanging a picture
nlSchoen als hamer
deNageleinschlagen mittels Stöckelschuh
noDolly bruker sko til å henge opp bilde
United States, ZZ1951
more scans >>
United States, WDC 166
Germany, MM1955-04
Mexico, HWD 67
Netherlands, DD1955-31
Spain, DB1 184
Chile, DIS 18
Russia, MM2002-09
Netherlands, DDKAL 2004
Yugoslavia, MZC 153
Changes: edited layout

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