Topolino e il mistero della voce spezzata

The Case of the Cut-Off Calls
Story code
I TL 1834-AP
Topolino e il mistero della voce spezzata
3 rows per page
Chief O'Hara, Detective Casey, Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Pluto [show character portraits]
Silvano Mezzavilla
Art (pencil and ink)
Giorgio Cavazzano
Number of parts
Date of first publication
Referred to in
cover: BC AD 288, IC TGLD 11, IC TL 1835
article: Qfi/RS2017-09E, Qit/CTS 112F, Qit/DAO 3C, Qit/DCOLL15F, Qit/GSD 49U, Qit/IPI 2E, Qit/TESI 2B, Qit/TESI 2E, Qit/TGLD 11A, Qit/TGLD 11B, Qit/TGLD 11C, Qit/TLAI 4E, Qus/FGL 8B
various: Qgr/MM 1446B (1st panel 1st page 2nd part)
This story contains the following items:
  1. I TL 1834-A Topolino e il mistero della voce spezzata (part 1, first published 1991-01-20, writing: Silvano Mezzavilla, art: Giorgio Cavazzano, appearances Chief O'Hara, Detective Casey, Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Pluto)
  2. I TL 1835-A idem (part 2, first published 1991-01-27, writing: Silvano Mezzavilla, art: Giorgio Cavazzano, appearances Chief O'Hara, Detective Casey, Mickey Mouse, Pluto)

This story is rated 7.8/10 and ranked 70/43759 according to COA users. There have been about 150 votes for this story.

enMM tries to solve the mystery of phone calls that never happened and the disappearance of a scientist
frLors d'un orage, tous les habitants de Mickeyville reçoivent un coup de téléphone au même moment qui appelle à l'aide et se termine par un étrange "Au Secatre !" avant de couper. Mickey enquête sur l'origine du coup de fil et découvre qu'il vient du passé...

Un bon mystère à l'atmosphère excellente. Fonctionne mieux en Italien ( Aiuto - Aiotto) Qu'en français ( Au secours - Au Secatre )
(by Miniclash, history)
deEin Unwetter geht in Entenhausen nieder und sämtliche Telefone läuten zur selben Zeit. Micky hat am nächsten Tag einen Hilferuf auf seinem Anrufbeantworter. (by TSetznagel, history)
elΟ Μίκυ προσπαθεί να λύσει το μυστήριο τηλεφωνημάτων που δεν συνέβησαν ποτέ, σε συνδύασμο με την εξαφάνιση ενός επιστήμονα
itIn una notte tempestosa a Topolinia molteplici telefoni ricevono la stessa misteriosa telefonata. La polizia lo ritiene uno scherzo, ma Topolino indaga lo stesso. (by Monkey_Feyerabend, history)
itAiotto! Aiotto!
noNår flere Andeby-borgere får en mystisk telefonsamtale midt på natten som politiet tror kommer fra en spøkefugl, tar Mikke opp saken. (by Paddekaka, history)
Italy, TL 1834
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Italy, TL 1834
This enlargement has been auto-generated, the result may sometimes be unexpected.
Italy, TL 1835 part 2
Brazil, AD 288
Brazil, AD 288 part 2
Italy, TM 45
Italy, TM 45 part 2
Italy, TL 2264
Italy, TL 2264 part 2
Italy, DC 3
Portugal, DH 13
Portugal, DH 13 part 2
Brazil, DB 29
Brazil, DB 29 part 2
Finland, RS2017-09
Greece, MMB 193
Greece, MMB 193 part 2
Germany, LTBCR 2
United States, DMF 12

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