The Littlest Gizmoduck

Story code
KZ 0890
Disney Comics
The Littlest Gizmoduck
2 rows per page
Fenton Crackshell, Gizmoduck, Huey Dewey and Louie, The Beagle Boys, Uncle Scrooge, Webby [show character portraits]
Chris Weber, Karen Willson
Art (pencil and ink)
Roberto Santillo
Date of first publication
Referred to in
article: Qde/BXS 3F, Qit/MD 34K

This story is rated 6.8/10 and ranked 43286/43690 according to COA users. There have been about 15 votes for this story.

enIn the first comic story to feature Fenton Crackshell (a.k.a. Gizmoduck), the kids build their own Gizmosuit, which Webby then uses when the Beagle Boys try to rob Scrooge's art exhibition. (by FroggoFan64, history)
itgenesi di RoboPap (by Giro Rotalibera, history)
plBracia Be mają chrapkę na obrazy Sknerusa. Widząc zuchwałą kradzież Tasia przebiera się za Robo-Kwaka. Niestety, złodzieje odkrywają prawdę i porywają Tasię... (by tolio, history)
ruУтята собирают Утку-робота для конкурса,но поможет он им не только там. (by Damacon, history)
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