History of submitted descriptions for (D 92380)

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Version 0 submitted by 80...234 (Thursday, Dec 15, 2005, 06:24:50 AM)
Roope ja Sudenpennut menevät etsimään Aleksandrian kirjastoa maapallon ympäri ja palaavat samaan kohteesen

Version 1 submitted by spe (Thursday, Dec 15, 2005, 07:30:03 AM) with message: desc-fi in desc field

Roope ja Sudenpennut menevät etsimään Aleksandrian kirjastoa maapallon ympäri ja palaavat samaan kohteesen

Version 2 submitted by 12...237 (Wednesday, Apr 4, 2007, 06:01:05 PM)

Scrooge and the nephews along with the Junior Woodchuck's official bloodhound, General Snozzie, travel throughout the Mediterranean in search of the long-lost, ancient library of Alexandria. In the end they discover that the Junior Woodchuks Guidebook holds more significance than they could have ever imagined.

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