History of submitted descriptions for (H 23181)

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Version 0 submitted by Mrozik (Sunday, Nov 20, 2011, 10:00:59 AM)
DD in pilgrimage, "got" super power. GY invents grow up serum for palms. Unwantly some monkey drunk it and grow up too. DD thinks that he grow down monkey and easily beaten the dinosaur. In end, DD wants defeats man of heavyweight

Version 1 submitted by Mrozik (Sunday, Nov 20, 2011, 10:02:31 AM)

DD in pilgrimage, "got" super power. GY invents grow up serum for palms. Unwantly some monkey drank it and grow up too. DD thinks that he grow down monkey and easily beaten the dinosaur. In end, DD wants defeats man of heavyweight
DD in pilgrimage, "got" super power. GY invents grow up serum for palms. Unwantly some monkey drunk it and grow up too. DD thinks that he grow down monkey and easily beaten the dinosaur. In end, DD wants defeats man of heavyweight

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