References gallery: Fantomius torna a casa

This references gallery shows images of:

1. items that I TL 3344-2 refers to,
2. items referring to I TL 3344-2,
3. recursively, items referring to items in 2 (limited to 10 recursions to avoid infinite loops).

Basic information on I TL 3344-2
I TL 3344-2 refers to 1 items: I TL 228-AP.
I TL 3344-2 is referred to by 1 items: Qit/IMPP 10A.

Italy, Topolino (libretto) 3344 (2019)

Items referred to by I TL 3344-2
I TL 228-AP (La leggenda di Paperin Hood) (gallery) book

Italy, Topolino (libretto) 228 (1960)

Italy, Topolino (libretto) 229 (1960)

Italy, I Classici di Walt Disney (prima serie) 17 (1964)
Changes: strong dialogues censored

Greece, Μίκυ Μάους 76 (1967)
Changes: 1st page of the original 2nd part missing, 3rd panel of 1st page of the original 2nd part moved to the close of 1st part (33th page) - Same version as it/CWD 17

Greece, Κλασικά Ντίσνεϋ 36 (1978)
Changes: 1st page of the original 2nd part missing, 3rd panel of 1st page of the original 2nd part moved to the close of 1st part (33th page) - Same version as it/CWD 17

Italy, I Classici di Walt Disney (seconda serie) 29 (1979)
Changes: shortened

Finland, Aku Ankan taskukirja 71 (1983)

Greece, Κλασικά Ντίσνεϋ 98 (1989)
Changes: 1st page of the original 2nd part missing, 3rd panel of 1st page of the original 2nd part moved to the close of 1st part (33th page) - Same version as it/CWD 17

Italy, Paperino TV Sorrisi e Canzoni 4 (2004)

Italy, Paperino TV Sorrisi e Canzoni 4 (2004)

Italy, I Grandi Classici Disney 307 (2012)

Italy, Le grandi storie Disney - L'opera omnia di Romano Scarpa 4 (2014)

Portugal, Disney Especial (Goody) 28 (2016)

Greece, Μεγάλες Ιστορίες Disney: Τα Άπαντα του Ρομάνο Σκάρπα 7 (2017)

Greece, Μεγάλες Ιστορίες Disney: Τα Άπαντα του Ρομάνο Σκάρπα 7 (2017)

Germany, Lustiges Taschenbuch Spezial 81 (2018)
Changes: 1st page of 2nd part cut

Poland, Gigant Mamut 28 (2018)
Changes: 1 page cut

France, Les grandes aventures Disney - Intégrale Romano Scarpa 4 (2018)

France, Les grandes aventures Disney - Intégrale Romano Scarpa 4 (2018)

Netherlands, Donald Duck Themapocket 35 (2019)
Changes: 1st page of 2nd part cut

Italy, I Grandi Classici Disney (Seconda Serie) 73 (2022)

Italy, I Grandi Classici Disney (Seconda Serie) 73 (2022)

Items referring to I TL 3344-2
Qit/IMPP 10A (gallery) article

Italy, Le Serie Imperdibili 10 (2023)

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