Zio Paperone e il castello del fantasma

Story code
I TL 1326-A
Zio Paperone e il castello del fantasma
3 rows per page
Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie, John D. Rockerduck, The Beagle Boys, Uncle Scrooge [show character portraits]
Guido Martina
Art (pencil and ink)
Giorgio Cavazzano
Date of first publication
Referred to in
BC TP 204 (cover)

titolo molto simile a quello di I TL 171-B

This story is rated 7/10 and ranked 3042/43690 according to COA users. There have been about 30 votes for this story.

fiRoope-setä on purattanut vanhan linnan Skotlannista ja tuottanut sen kivi kiveltä Ankkalinnan lähistölle uudelleen koottavaksi - mutta muurien mukana on tullut myös ammoisen skottilaisen ankkasoturin haamu, ja kun Karhukoplan avustama Kroisos Pennonen yrittää vallata suvulleen kuuluneen linnan takaisin, on haamu ankkojen mukana torjumassa tunkeilijoita parhaan taitonsa mukaan.
itIl soggetto è tratto da "Il fantasma galante", film di Renè Clair del 1935, a sua volta ricavato dal racconto "Sir Tristram goes west" di Eric Keown (1932) (by fabiolous, history)
itcastello scozzese rimontato a Paperopoli, fantasma di sir Gideon McPaper
Italy, TL 1326
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Italy, TL 1326
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Spain, DM 395
Greece, MM 1332
Germany, DDZ 273
Italy, CD 304
Greece, KL 210
Brazil, TP 204
Changes: Layout remounted

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