Uncle Scrooge
Crown of the Mayas

Story code
W US 44-01
Crown of the Mayas
Uncle Scrooge
4 rows per page
Slyviper, Argus McSwine, Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge [show character portraits]
Carl Barks
Art (pencil and ink)
Carl Barks
Date of first publication
Date the story was created
External link
Carl Barks guidebook
Referred to in
cover: ARC LICU 41, ARC USA 11, BC MK 136, D/SAN 2007-066, DC AA1967-13, GC KA 43, HC BV 91, HC OD 10, Xau/GS 307
article: Qde/DRSB 1C, Qdk/CBSV 25B, Qdk/CBSV 25C, Qdk/GB 8, Qfi/ALP 22F, Qfi/RS2002-07C, Qfr/TP 27D, Qgr/KX 149E, Qgr/KX 296BA, Qit/CTS 23C, Qit/DPCS 27A, Qit/DPCS 27C, Qit/IDI 1M, Qit/IMA 5I, Qit/UACK 10D, Qit/UACK 16D, Qit/UACK 18F, Qit/ZP 149C, Qnl/HDD 1999F, Qno/DD2004-14A, Qno/GB 8
illustration: D 22796, IC BIG 3AN, XFC RS2002-07B
various: Qfi/AA2019-26B (reminder), IC UACK 16 (enlarged panel), FC PM 333D (1963 coin)

This story is rated 7.5/10 and ranked 300/43759 according to COA users. There have been about 80 votes for this story.

enArchaeological expedition to find ancient Maya city
fi"Arkeologien kerhon" jäsenyyttä havittelevan Roope-sedän tutkittua Väli-Amerikassa viidakkoon hautautuneita mayatemppeleitä, jättävät kaksi kieroa kelmiä ankat hukkumaan korkeaseinäiseen vesialtaaseen
frPicsou voudrait adhérer au club des archéologues mais il doit pour cela découvrir des ruines antiques ou des antiquités très anciennes et, alors qu'il survole le Yucatan pour affaires avec Donald et ses neveux, il découvre de curieux monticules (by duckstories, history)
itSeccato perché la sua richiesta di iscrizione al Club degli Archeologi è stata respinta, Paperone invita Paperino e i nipotini ad accompagnarlo in Patagonia per ispezionare le sue miniere di ferro. Si fermano nello Yucatàn, e fra mille difficoltà ed avventure i paperi scoprono un antico tesoro Maya che permetterà a Paperone di essere finalmente accolto nel Club. (by Alle, history)
United States, US 44
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Mexico, CWD 321
This enlargement has been auto-generated, the result may sometimes be unexpected.
Italy, TL 418
Mexico, CWD 321
Greece, GX 364
France, JM 700
Chile, TR 21
Netherlands, DD1967-23
Netherlands, DD1967-24 part 2
Netherlands, DD1967-25 part 3
Spain, DB2 86
United States, US 113
France, GB 2
Greece, MIK 107
Greece, MM 782
Germany, TGDD 68
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