Donald Duck
Going Buggy

Story code
W WDC 77-02
Going Buggy
Donald Duck
4 rows per page
Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie [show character portraits]
Carl Barks
Art (pencil and ink)
Carl Barks
Date of first publication
Date the story was created
External link
Carl Barks guidebook
Referred to in
cover: D 7083, IC AO 48122, IC AR 328, KS 7990, XBC MM 31
article: Qgr/KX 286E, Qit/CAT 6C, Qit/DCOLL 3D, Qit/DPCS 3H, Qit/DPCS 38F, Qit/DPCS 38G, Qit/DPCS 38H, Qit/GCD 252A, Qit/ZP 213C, Qus/CBDL 4A, Qus/CBDL 25N
header: FC JM 27A, XBC MM 31A
various: W WDC 236-01 (Froggy Farmer) (remake), XFC AA2020-52-53B (HDL dressed up as bugs), Xpl/KCB 20 (crow)

This story is rated 7.1/10 and ranked 1194/43752 according to COA users. There have been about 45 votes for this story.

enHDL dressed like giant bugs
frDécidé à exterminer les pucerons qui ravagent ses fraisiers, Donald pulvérise allègrement de l'insecticide. Pour le faire tourner en bourrique, Riri, Fifi et Loulou se déguisent en scarabées géants et comptent effrayer leur oncle. (by anthony, history)
deDonald verwendet einen Insektenspray, um Käfer loszuwerden. Tick, Trick und Track verkleiden sich als große Käfer und führen Donald so in die Irre. (by TSetznagel, history)
noDonald og kjempebillene
United States, WDC 77
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Belgium, ALMM 2
This enlargement has been auto-generated, the result may sometimes be unexpected.
Spain, DBA1947-01
France, JM 27
Netherlands, DD1954-25
Greece, MM 321
Netherlands, DD1977-06
Finland, AA1978-45
Greece, MM 913
Iceland, US 2
United States, WDC 559
Italy, ZP 26
Germany, TGDDZ 97
Poland, KD 1997-13
China, MT2005-04
France, PM 401
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