Lambert, The Sheepish Lion

Lambert The Sheepish Lion
Story code
ZT 012
Sunday pages (US)
Lambert, The Sheepish Lion
Newspaper strip
Lambert, Mr. Stork [show character portraits]
Frank Reilly
Art (pencil and ink)
Floyd Gottfredson
Date of first publication
End date of publication (strip)
(9 Sundays)
Refers to
adaptation: Lambert the Sheepish Lion (QMS 1952-003)
Referred to in
article: Qfi/ALP 24E, Qit/ATP 15E, Qit/CAT 1H, Qit/CAT 6B, Qit/CAT 38A, Qit/CAT 38B, Qit/CTS 4D, Qit/CTS 5F, Qit/DAO 3E, Qit/DSTO 27H, Qit/IDI 1G, Qit/IMA 5I, Qit/MD 5C, Qit/MD 28B, Qus/FGLS 2J, Qus/TCT 2E
various: IC TVC 5 (cover)
This story contains the following items:
  1. ZT 56-08-05 (part 1)
  2. ZT 56-08-12 (part 2)
  3. ZT 56-08-19 (part 3)
  4. ZT 56-08-26 (part 4)
  5. ZT 56-09-02 (part 5)
  6. ZT 56-09-09 (part 6)
  7. ZT 56-09-16 (part 7)
  8. ZT 56-09-23 (part 8)
  9. ZT 56-09-30 (part 9)

This story is rated 6.9/10 and ranked 10040/43690 according to COA users. There have been about 15 votes for this story.

Entry edited by: HF (December 4, 2012)

United States, ZZ1956
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United States, ZZ1956
This enlargement has been auto-generated, the result may sometimes be unexpected.
Germany, HA19561013
Germany, HA19561020 part 2
Germany, HA19561027 part 3
Germany, HA19561103 part 4
Germany, HA19561110 part 5
Germany, HA19561117 part 6
Germany, HA19561124 part 7
Switzerland, PT 57-01-01
Switzerland, PT 57-01-15 part 2
Switzerland, PT 57-01-29 part 3
Switzerland, PT 57-02-12 part 4
Switzerland, PT 57-02-26 part 5
Switzerland, PT 57-03-12 part 6
Switzerland, PT 57-03-26 part 7
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