Universes: Hercules

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Adonis pompous prince, classmate of teen Herc from the Prometheus Academy
Alcmene human foster mother of Herc
Amphitryon human foster father of Herc
Calliope Clio Melpomene Tersichore and Thalia Original name: Muses; Calliope, Clio, Melpomene, Tersichore & Thalia, narrators of Herc's deeds. Yes, there are only 5 muses in the Disney world
Cassie Cassandra, the psychic friend of teen Herc from the Prometheus Academy
Cerberus three-headed dog
Daedalus Inventor, shop class teacher and father of Icarus from the Prometheus Academy
Hades Underworld King, brother of Zeus, enemy of Hercules
Hera Queen of Olympus, birth mother of Herc
Hercules mythological hero
Hermes Messenger of Olympus, Herc's "uncle" who watches over him for Zeus
Icarus nerdy companion of teen Herc from the Prometheus Academy
Meg Megara, Herc's wife as an adult
Pain zany bungling sidekick of Hades
Panic zany bungling sidekick of Hades
Pegasus Herc's winged horse companion
Phil Philoctetes, Herc's satyr hero-trainer
Tempest Amazon princess, friend of teen Herc from the Prometheus Academy
Zeus King of Olympus, birth father of Herc

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