References gallery: Speciale! I giochi magici dell'estate

This references gallery shows images of:

1. items that IC TL 1339 refers to,
2. items referring to IC TL 1339,
3. recursively, items referring to items in 2 (limited to 10 recursions to avoid infinite loops).

Basic information on IC TL 1339
IC TL 1339 refers to 1 items: D 2897.
IC TL 1339 is referred to by 1 items: Qit/CTS 102F.

Italy, Topolino (libretto) 1339 (1981)

Spain, Don Miki 399 (1984)

Greece, Μίκυ Μάους 1041 (1986)

Germany, Micky Maus Das ist Mein Leben 1 (1988)

Items referred to by IC TL 1339
D 2897 (gallery) remake

Sweden, Kalle Anka & C:o 1974-28 (1974)

Denmark, Anders And & Co. 1974-29 (1974)

Norway, Donald Duck & Co 1974-29 (1974)

Germany, Micky Maus 1975-25 (1975)

Finland, Aku Ankka 1975-29 (1975)

Items referring to IC TL 1339
Qit/CTS 102F (Un anno in prima pagina) (gallery) article

Italy, Topolino Story (Corriere della Sera) 102 (2015)

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