Uncle Scrooge
Island At The Edge Of Time

Island at the Edge of Time
Story code
D 91071
Island At The Edge Of Time
Uncle Scrooge
4 rows per page
Donald Duck, Flintheart Glomgold, Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge [show character portraits]
Don Rosa
Art (pencil and ink)
Don Rosa
Date of first publication
Referred to in
cover: BC EE 209, DC HOF 9, KJU 106, XFC AAL2019-07, XFC AAL2020-02
article: Qde/DR 13B, Qdk/DRSV 3E, Qdk/HOF 9H, Qfi/DR 1995F, Qfi/DRJ2015F, Qfi/DRJ2015G, Qgr/KX 241D, Qgr/KXB 63C, Qit/UACK 26B, Qit/UACK 26D, Qno/DE2015-03A, Qno/DRSV 3J, Qus/DRL 3B
various: Qno/DD2008-05B (part of panel)

This story is rated 7.6/10 and ranked 167/44783 according to COA users. There have been about 100 votes for this story.

enA volcanic eruption in the Pacific creates a new island consisting partly of gold and both Scrooge and Flintheart Glomgold contend to stake claim of the newly-formed territory. The fact that the International Date Line bisects the golden island causes some unexpected drama as Scrooge finds out that time plays strange tricks in the affairs of men (and ducks). (by 12...237, history)
enUS competes with FLG in reaching an island of gold
fiRoope-setä ja Kulta-Into Pii kilpailevat merestä nousseen kultaisen saaren valloittamisesta
frUn satellite de Picsou détecte la formation d'une nouvelle île entièrement en or, mais Gripsou veut également être le premier à en prendre officiellement possession (by duckstories, history)
deUS und FLG kämpfen darum, eine Goldinsel zuerst zu erreichen, um sie zu ihrem Besitz zu machen. (by Donald296, history)
itPaperone e Cuordipietra vogliono impossessarsi di una neonata isola vulcanica lastricata d'oro. Una corsa...contro il tempo! (by Monkey_Feyerabend, history)
noSkrues (utgåtte) satelitt oppdager en ny øy i havet, men Gulbrand Gråstein får kloa først i disse opplysningene og kappløpet om å komme til øya først. For den som kommer til øya først og vil kreve den som sin eiendom. Men øya ligger ganske strategisk til (by dd, history)
pttio patinhas achou uma ilha feita de ouro e vai ter de correr contra o tempo para mac môney nao tomar a posse da ilha antes. (by darkwolfgreen, history)
Sweden, KA1991-42
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Colombia, DG 7
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Finland, AA1991-42
Netherlands, DE1992-04
Colombia, DG 7
United States, US 276
France, PM 259
Spain, OLE 36
Netherlands, OD 59
Sweden, KA2008-05
Poland, KD 2008-05
Greece, KX 241
United States, US 380
Greece, VK 3
France, TP 11
Brazil, ATP2 2
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