- Story code
- D 98202
- Origin
- Denmark
- Title
- The Dutchman's Secret
- Hero(es)
- Uncle Scrooge
- Pages
- 24
- Layout
- 4 rows per page
- Appearances
- DR's wife, Moe the map seller, Don Rosa (bottom of page 22), Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie, Mickey Mouse (puppet), Uncle Scrooge [show character portraits]
- Writing
- Don Rosa
- Art (pencil and ink)
- Don Rosa
- Date of first publication
- Refers to
- D 96089 (The Vigilante of Pizen Bluff) (sequel)
- Referred to in
- cover: DC HOF 24, HC DE2000-03, XFC AA1999-16
article: Qde/DR 24A, Qfi/DR 2005I, Qfi/SI2005-04B, Qfi/T2011PKH, Qfi/T2014KKH, Qfi/T2014KKI, Qfr/TP 54T, Qfr/TP 54V, Qgr/KX 154D, Qgr/KX 160A, Qgr/KXB 41C, Qgr/KXB 43B, Qgr/XE 1B, Qgr/XE 1F, Qit/DPCS 13G, Qno/DRSV 7N, Qno/DRSV 7O, Qus/DRL 7B, Qus/DRL 8B, Qus/DRL 8C, Qus/US 319B
This story is rated 7.7/10 and ranked 140/44783 according to COA users. There have been about 125 votes for this story.
Entry edited by: DVr (May 22, 2010), FWi (Feb 15, 2021)
en | This sequel to “The Vigilante of Pizen Bluff” chronicles the Ducks’ search for The Lost Dutchman Mine in southern Arizona. Scrooge discovers a map on the back of his scrap book and soon the intrepid Ducks are off to Apache Junction, Arizona, and the Superstition Mountains in search of the historic Lost Mine of “The Dutchman,” and one of the most legendary undiscovered treasures of the past century! Following clues, they come upon a letter drawn by Scrooge’s old friend, Jacob Waltz—The Dutchman—which tells his story. He is seen in panels throughout several periods of his life. (by Cacou, history) |
en | The ducks travel to Superstition Mountains to find the legendary mine of the "Dutchman". The Dutchman was a German named Jacob Waltz, and a friend of US. |
fr | Picsou parvient enfin, grâce à un solvant approprié, à récupérer la carte de la mine perdue du Hollandais collée au dos d'une affiche dans son album de souvenirs, alors il emmène ses neveux en Amazonie pour une chasse au trésor (by duckstories, history) |
de | US, DD und HDL suchen nach der verschollenen "Mine des Holländers", die eigentlich einem Deutschen namens Jakob Walz gehörte. (by Duckmäuser, history) |
el | Ο θείος Σκρουτζ και τα ανιψάκια ξεκινούν να βρουν το χαμένο ορυχείο του Ολλανδού, που τελικά ήταν Γερμανός και ήξερε τον ίδιο τον Σκρουτζ |
pl | Siostrzeńcy Sknerusa odkrywają, że Jacob Waltz był legendarnym Holendrem, a mapa, którą dał wiele lat temu McKwaczowi prowadzi do jego kopalni, najbogatszej w Arizonie. Miliarder wraz z Hyziem, Dyziem i Zyziem oraz Donaldem wyrusza do Arizony, na poszukiwania skarbu Holendra. (by tolio, history) |
pt | Tio Patinhas, Donald e sobrinhos partem em busca da lendária mina de ouro do holandês!! (by andrey, history) |

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(18 countries, 59 publications)
- Uncle Scrooge (Otter Press) 319 (2004) The Dutchman's Secret
- Tio Patinhas (Abril) 468 (2004) O Segredo do Holandês
- Disney Big 6 (2010) idem
- Biblioteca Don Rosa (Panini) 8 (2020) idem
- 米老鼠 2021-10 p. 43 (2021) “荷兰人”的秘密 The Dutchman’s Secret (part 1) [12 pg.] 2021-11 (part 2) [12 pg.]
- Anders And & Co. 1999-09 - Jubilæum i Danmark 1949 – 1999, 50 år i Danmark (1999) Hollænderens hemmelighed (part 1) [12 pg.] 1999-10 (part 2) [12 pg.]
- Don Rosa - bog 8 (Hall of Fame 24) p. 097 (2009) idem
- Anders And Classic 2015-06 - Don Rosa (2015) idem
- Don Rosas samlede værker 7 - 1998-1999 p. 127 (2015) idem
- Aku Ankka 1999-16 (1999) Hollantilaisen salaisuus (part 1) [12 pg.] 1999-17 (part 2) [12 pg.]
- Aku Ankka -neljännesvuosikerta 1999-2 (2000) idem (part 1) [12 pg.] 1999-2 (part 2) [12 pg.]
- Don Rosan parhaita 2005 - Musta Ritari ja muita Don Rosan parhaita p. 153 (2005) idem
- Don Rosan kootut 7 - (1998-1999) p. 127 (2012)
- Don Rosa -kirjasto 8 - Pako kielletystä laaksosta p. 087 (2024)
- Picsou Magazine 331 (1999) Le secret du hollandais
- Les trésors de Picsou 6 p. 158 (2008) Le secret du Hollandais
- Picsou Magazine 489 p. 106 (2013) idem
- La Grande épopée de Picsou - Intégrale Don Rosa 6 - Les Évadés de la vallée interdite et autres histoires p. 141 (2015) idem
- Les trésors de Picsou 39 - La Jeunesse de Picsou n° 3 (2017) idem
- Les trésors de Picsou 54 - Intégrale Don Rosa - Partie 11 (1998-1999) p. 141 (2021) idem
- Micky Maus 1999-46 (1999) Das Geheimnis der verschollenen Mine (part 1) [12 pg.] 1999-47 (part 2) [12 pg.]
- Onkel Dagobert von Don Rosa 24 (2000) idem
- Die tollsten Geschichten von Donald Duck (Sonderheft) 230 (2006) idem
- Disneys Hall of Fame 18 - Don Rosa 6 p. 071 (2010) idem
- Don Rosa Collection 7 p. 127 (2013) idem
- Don Rosa Library 8 - Rückkehr ins Verbotene Tal p. 120 (2022) idem
- Κόμιξ 160 - Το Μυστικό του Ολλανδού p. 09 (2001) Το μυστικό του Ολλανδού
- Τα Χαμένα Επεισόδια 1 p. 081 (2006) ΣΤ' β επεισόδιο: Το μυστικό του Ολλανδού
- Κόμιξ (Περίοδος Β') 41 - Το Μυστικό του Ολλανδού p. 007 (2017) Το μυστικό του Ολλανδού
- Andrés Önd 1999-09 p. 20 (1999) Leyndarmál Hollendingsins (part 1) [12 pg.] 1999-10 (part 2) [12 pg.]
- Donal Bebek 929 - Karyawan Boneka p. 23 (1999) Misteri Tambang Emas (part 1) [12 pg.] 930 - Pawang Buaya (part 2) [12 pg.]
- Donal Bebek 1460 - Donal Bebek - Kisah Masa Lalu (2009) Rahasia si 'Dutchman'
- Zio Paperone 123 (1999) Zio Paperone e il segreto dell'Olandese
- Disney Libri a fumetti 200006A - Paperdinastia (2000) idem
- Super Disney 17 - Paper Dinastia (2000) idem
- Raccolta Zio Paperone 19 (2004) idem
- The Don Rosa library - Zio Paperone & Paperino 16 (2019) The Dutchman's Secret
- Don Rosa Library De Luxe 8 - Fuga dalla Valle Proibita p. 087 (2022) idem
- Donald Duck Extra 2000-03 - De schat van de Hollander (2000) Het Geheim van de Hollander
- Oom Dagobert 69 - De reisavonturen van Oom Dagobert - Het geheim van de Hollander (2003) idem
- De reisavonturen van Dagobert Duck 3 (Het levensverhaal / De reisavonturen van Dagobert Duck 5) (2019) Het geheim van de Hollander
- Donald Duck app 2023-02 (2023) idem
- Donald Duck & Co 1999-09 (1999) Den forsvunne gruven (part 1) [12 pg.] 1999-10 (part 2) [12 pg.]
- Hall of Fame - De store serieskaperne 27 - Don Rosa - bok 8 (2009) idem
- Don Rosa samlede verk 7 p. 127 (2013) The Dutchman's Secret
- Donald Duck & Co 2013B19-20 - Onkel Skrue - Den forsvunne gruven (2013) Den forsvunne gruven
- Klassisk Donald Duck 24 - På spor etter enhjørningen (2020) idem
- Komiksy z Kaczogrodu 1 - Sknerus - Życie i czasy Sknerusa McKwacza (2001) Skarb Holendra
- Wujek Sknerus i Kaczor Donald. Don Rosa 8 - Ucieczka z Zakazanej Doliny p. 087 (2021) idem
- Tio Patinhas 208 p. 005 (2003) O Segredo do Holandês
- Obras-Primas da BD Disney 2 - Episódios Extraordinários (2004) O segredo do holandês
- Show Disney 79 O Segredo do Holandês
- Kalle Anka & C:o 1999-09 (1999) Holländarens hemlighet (part 1) [12 pg.] 1999-10 (part 2) [12 pg.]
- Hall of Fame: De stora serieskaparna 25 - Don Rosa – bok 8 (2009) idem
- Don Rosa samlade verk 7 p. 127 (2013) The Dutchman's Secret
- Kalle Anka extra 2017-06 (2017) Holländarens hemlighet
United States
- Uncle Scrooge 319 (2003) The Dutchman's Secret
- Don Rosa Library 8 - Escape from Forbidden Valley p. 087 (2018) idem
- Микијев Забавник 1212 (2000) Загонетна мапа (part 1) [12 pg.] 1213 (part 2) [12 pg.]