List of appearances with comment: Beagles International

List of appearance comments
Found one story.

The Beagle BoysHis Unroyal Highness (W DD 122-01, 1968)au/DS 150b, br/MGD 1ab, br/PD 906b, cl/DIS 449c, co/DL 439c, dk/AA1969-35h, dk/AA1969-36f, es/DB2 77e, es/DB2R 71ae, fi/AANV1970-3je, fi/AANV1970-3kf, fi/AAVSK1970-2ie, fi/AAVSK1970-2jf, fi/AN1970-2p287, fi/AN1970-2p322, fr/ALJM 54ne, fr/JM 1037e, gr/MM 243p03, gr/MM 743d, gr/MM 1546p80, it/RGCD 24bd, mx/HWD 475b, no/AAR 103hh, no/AAR 103if, no/DD1969-36h, no/DD1969-37f, se/DKAA1969-04oh, se/DKAA1969-04pf, se/KA1969-35h, se/KA1969-36f, uk/MM 83e, uk/MM 84d, us/DD 122-01, us/DD 245-01, yu/MIKIR133f, yu/MZC 469c, yu/MZS 469p05

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