List of appearances with comment: fake

List of appearance comments
Found 7 stories with appearance comment fake.

Peg-Leg PeteThe Counterfeit Conundrum (D 2003-015, 2003)fi/AATE 4p179
The Phantom BlotEffetto sorpresa (I TL 2610-4, 2005)it/TL 2610f
Peg-Leg PeteEffetto sorpresa (I TL 2610-4, 2005)it/TL 2610f
Sinterklaaslost 't op Sinterklaas (H 2012-251, 2012)nl/DD2012-49m
Zwarte Pietlost 't op Sinterklaas (H 2012-251, 2012)nl/DD2012-49m
QuackmorePaperinik e il Bassotto trasformista (I TL 3026-3, 2013)it/TL 3026i
EvroniansIl mondo di PKAPP (I PKA 37-0, 2015)it/PKA 37m

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