List of appearances with comment: sketch

List of appearance comments
Found 4 stories with appearance comment sketch.

Daisy DuckBarks and the Duck Syndrome (Qus/FUNW 10A, 1968)de/CBC 24p281, de/CBDB 1p117, de/HD 39p07a, dk/CBSV 24p281, fi/ALP 38p18b, fi/CBK 24p281, fr/ALPMB 32bp, fr/HOP 88h, fr/PM 345p, nl/DDCAD 5ba, no/CBSV 24ztb, us/CBACB 1p224, us/CJ 227p069, us/FUNW 10a
Mickey MouseCrime by the Book (D 2006-220, 2007)cn/MC2008-06p44, de/MM2011-15g, dk/AA2008-07e, ee/MH 2007-11e, eg/MNM 217d, eg/MNV 28bd, fi/AAL2015-13k, fi/AANV2007-4fe, fr/ALJM 221fp18, fr/JM 2892p18, gr/KXB 93p045, nl/DE2018X12d, nl/KA2021X08l, no/DD2008-07f, no/KVART33hf, pl/KD 2007-41e, se/MPD2021-06i
Gyro's HelperBored into Brilliance (D 2014-093, 2014)fi/AA2014-42h
Mickey Mouseae/MM 89g

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