List of appearances with comment: splash panel cameo,dream

List of appearance comments
Found one story.

PedroPrisoners of Zartac 2 (D 2006-118, 2008)cn/ZJMM 38p085, cz/SK2012-01c, de/LTBGA 1p244, de/MC 86Bck, dk/GEGE 1p227, dk/JB 331p215, fr/MP 305p128, fr/MPHSE 2p046, gr/NTB 63p089, is/MS 169k, nl/DDG 4c, nl/PO3 146k, no/DP 331k, no/TP2016-6f, pl/GP 88k, pl/GPX2022-03p244, pl/MGG 46p153, se/ASP2019-02n, se/HUKA 2024p227, se/KAPS2016-06f, us/WDC 740Ab, us/WDC 740Bbb, us/WDCTP 4f

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