Ombre su Venere

Shadows on Venus
Story code
I PKNA 1-1
Ombre su Venere
irregular layout
Mike Morrighan (1st), Taratoa, Xadhoom, Zondag, Zoster (1st), Angus Fangus, Camera 9, Dan Woodstain, Donald Duck, Duck Avenger, Evronians, Lyla Lee, One [show character portraits]
Francesco Artibani, Simone Stenti
Francesco Artibani
Art (pencil and ink)
Claudio Sciarrone
Date of first publication
Referred to in
cover: IC PKG 4B, IC PKNA 1
article: Qit/CTS 23L, Qit/CTS 116C, Qit/CTS 117B, Qit/DCOLL27D, Qit/DCOLL42B, Qit/DCOLL42C, Qit/DCOLL42D

This story is rated 7.2/10 and ranked 839/43715 according to COA users. There have been about 40 votes for this story.

Entry edited by: FPl (September 17, 2021)

enEvronians hunt Angus
nlDe Evroniërs willen Cor de Cactus ontvoeren. Superdonald weet dit half tegen te houden, maar Cor de Cactus is er slecht aan toe. (by dvr, history)
deKonrad Kiwis Seele wird bei einem Kampf mit den Evronianern von seinem Körper getrennt. Nur die evronianischen Wissenschaftler können sie wieder zusammenfügen. (by Alex Luther, history)
elΟ Άνγκους μπαίνει στο στόχαστρο των Εβρονιανών, αναγκάζοντας τον Φάντομ και την Ξαντούμ να ταξιδέψουν έως την Αφροδίτη για να τον σώσουν.
itgli Evroniani contro Angus
noKonrad Kiwi tas til fange av evronianere, og sammen med Xadhoom følger Fantonald etter i romskip til en evroniansk slagkrysser i nærheten av Venus. Der treffer han blant annet på Zoster og genereal Zontag. (by sveknu, history)
Italy, PKNA 1
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Italy, CPK 2
This enlargement has been auto-generated, the result may sometimes be unexpected.
Norway, FD1997-01
Sweden, SK 1997-01
Brazil, SPNA 1
Italy, PKR 1
Norway, FDR 4
Netherlands, DPOWEB 1
Italy, CPK 2
France, SPG 170
Greece, NPFN 4
Brazil, DB 18
Finland, AAST 3
Portugal, DH 31
United States, DAV 3A
United States, DAV 3B
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