Ratings for The Horseradish Story (W OS 495-02)

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Stenens vise    Thursday, Jun 12, 2008, 09:39:42 PM  Grymt bra!
Donkey    Tuesday, Aug 25, 2009, 09:41:54 AM  Great
Will Barks    Wednesday, Mar 10, 2010, 03:31:46 PM  one of Barks most engaging!
varelapinto    Monday, Aug 16, 2010, 11:45:04 PM  Excellent, exciting sea-going adventure. The storyline surrounding the crate of horse radish was used several times by Barks to great effect, without ever looking repetitive. I can remember a story where the Beagle Boys would get Scrooge's fortune if he didn't manage to deliver a box of eggs, intact, to an island in the south seas. Another has Scrooge and his nephews searching for a lost receipt somewhere in Alaska, without which his fortune would be lost.
Ah, so many memories!
Elephant31    Thursday, Aug 26, 2010, 08:46:18 AM  nothing surprising here but a good adventure on (and under) the sea.
DuckfanDownUnder    Thursday, Dec 9, 2010, 06:11:35 PM  Many times Scrooge has been to sea, but this one is his best sea story ever.
jean    Thursday, Aug 4, 2011, 06:07:03 PM  ¡Que increíble aventura!
mathiasand    Friday, Mar 30, 2012, 05:01:03 PM  Fanstastic!
hdc    Friday, Apr 13, 2012, 06:19:56 PM  Hard to believe that contract would go through in any court but it's a good story nevertheless.
Knight of Ni    Thursday, May 3, 2012, 03:22:39 PM  One of my all time favourite ! ^^
eleanore-clo    Saturday, Jun 16, 2012, 12:21:40 PM  Une belle histoire.
Appie Aap    Friday, Jul 20, 2012, 04:05:23 PM  This is an excellent story. It stays engaging over the full 22 pages, thanks to the humour and the tad of drama that are thrown in the mix. There are some minor plot issues that could have been better, but they are snowed under by the craftsmanship with which this story is made. Artwork is also good and atmospheric.
Young_McDuck    Wednesday, Aug 8, 2012, 09:52:14 AM  Great!
nahl55    Tuesday, Sep 4, 2012, 02:16:05 PM  This story has everything. Humor! Great drama! Mystery! Excitement! One of Barks' 10 best stories.
Fihalho    Sunday, Dec 8, 2013, 12:04:10 PM  Gute Story und Zeichnungen !
Maringapatalógika    Wednesday, Jan 15, 2014, 01:35:23 PM  Simply put, another Carl Barks classic! In all aspects, it looks like a good afternoon at the movies' - specially the scenes taking place in the stormy ocean.
Lawrlr    Monday, Feb 23, 2015, 06:09:59 AM  One of the 10 best! Great seafaring adventure! Action never lets down!
XGorthanX    Wednesday, Jun 29, 2016, 07:17:27 PM  Buona storia, ma...come può essere in top 10?
Good story but...how can it be top 10?
odin    Thursday, Jul 21, 2016, 04:14:26 PM  one of the reason that makes donald duck everlasting because it's apllicable in your life . read a contract before you sign it. you can google stories about people whose life take a turn for the worse because they , for one reason or another, didn't read a contract before signing it. I want to give an example, but there are probably children in this site.
my favorite part is when donald had enough of Chisel Mcsue and tell other ducks to join him in beating Chisel. up to that point donald was much pretty much unreliable and a doormat. But when the considerably bigger and cold blooded chisel armed with a paddle threatened his family, donald suddenly took command. He became the leader, the bossy uncle scrooge was reduced to a voice that agree to follow donald's lead.
The threat was serious, this is not a kid friendly routine in which the beagle boys had the ducks tied in a room. chisel had just tried to drown his own best friend. these tho were shown relaxing in a beach on chisel's money. Chisel is a real treacherous, bloodthirsty villain. he is not driven by idealism but by greed. there are people like him in this world. When he knew he was defeated, Chisel cried. you might want to symphatize with him, maybe he is another comic book villain who repents and mellows out after being defeated by the hero, but a mellow villain chisel is not.
tonkduck    Friday, Dec 8, 2017, 12:21:46 PM  Very good adventure story. All the elements come together very well. 8.5/10
M3Gr1ml0ck    Wednesday, Feb 20, 2019, 10:03:42 PM  Le avventure disperate in cui Paperone rischia di perdere tutto il suo capitale in seguito a un'azione avventata (qui nemmeno sua, se non fosse che poi Don Rosa ci informa di come Paperone vendette la dentiera da giovane, rendendolo in piccolissima parte responsabile) hanno sempre il doppio potenziale dell'epopea grandiosa e del disastro narrativo.
Ovviamente Barks ci regala una meravigliosa epica marina, zeppa di avventura, azione, mistero, esplorazione e pathos. E' in questi gioielli che emerge e risplende la vera natura della famiglia dei Paperi, che più che i difetti vanta enormi pregi di intelligenza, intraprendenza, collaborazione, nonchè del legame che li spinge ad affrontare ogni genere di pericolo insieme, e a trionfare proprio grazie alla loro unità.
Arte squisitamente curata, espressiva, comica, con grandissimi panorami naturali sopra e sotto il mare, col bel tempo e i marosi in tempesta.
remifanpicsou    Tuesday, Jun 16, 2020, 06:21:12 PM  10/10 une de mes histoires de Carl Barks préférés.
tomuch    Thursday, Sep 24, 2020, 01:15:38 AM  Great drama!
tregua78    Tuesday, Dec 15, 2020, 01:14:36 AM  Si può comprendere come Barks ispirò i nostri grandi autori (Vedi Cimino).
Tramite capolavori come questa avventura marinara.
Colpiscono l'umanità, il coraggio, la forza di volontà che vince le avversioni, l'unione e l'attaccamento alla famiglia dei Paperi.
Splendidi anche i disegni.
Un esempio.

marioandreaaldeghi    Sunday, Dec 20, 2020, 11:28:24 AM  Di sicuro una delle migliori di Barks! (anche se non da top 20)
Rodiandrea    Monday, Mar 22, 2021, 10:59:28 AM  Ottima storia
krisglodo    Monday, May 17, 2021, 07:38:29 AM  Scrooge against time, simple but satisfying.
Harry    Friday, Feb 9, 2024, 05:25:58 AM  

The legal plot is highly unlikely, the resulting story has all Barks elements we love so much.

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