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I TL 3246-5 (de) [edit] [history] May 3, 2024, TSetznagel
Indiana Pipps e il vortice delle nebbie
Indiana Goof und sein Goofobil suchen in der Nordsee nach verschollenen Schiffen. Er trifft dabei in einer alten Burg auf den Schlossherrn und Piraten.
I TL 1391-A (de) [edit] [history] May 3, 2024, TSetznagel
Zio Paperone e l'enigma celtico
Die Ducks treffen in England auf den letzten Kelten, der ihnen von einer Tempelstadt berichtet. Dagobert wittert ein Geschäft und macht sich auf die Suche nach den Resten der untergegangen Zivilisation....
I TL 2927-1P (de) [edit] [history] May 3, 2024, TSetznagel
Zio Paperone e la profezia a ritroso
Die Maya prophezeiten den Weltuntergang 2012. Laut Primus soll ein Komet mit der Erde kollidieren, deshalb reisen die Ducks nach Yucatán, um die Erde zu retten.
D 2017-106 (de) [edit] [history] May 3, 2024, TSetznagel
The Ancient Ones
Um Mitglied im Klub der Entdecker zu bleiben, muss sich Dagobert auf Spurensuche der Kultur der Anasazi Indianer im Mesa-Verde-Nationalpark begeben. Dabei wird er von Klever sabotiert und die Ducks machen...
I TL 2406-1 (de) [edit] [history] May 3, 2024, TSetznagel
Topolino e il lungo ritorno
Micky war für Ermittlungen über Weihnachten in Los Puerto Fuego. Nun möchte er schnellstmöglich nach Entenhausen, um mit Minnie Silvester verbringen zu können. Doch das Reisebüro bucht einen falschen...
FC JM 3727 (fr) [edit] [history] May 1, 2024, remifanpicsou
À l'hôtel des spectres dansants
Donald, habillé en détective et tenant un chandelier, est suivi par un spectre
FC JM 3728A (fr) [edit] [history] May 1, 2024, remifanpicsou
Une gazelle tombe amoureux de Donald qui est camouflé en mâle de cette espèce
FC JM 3732 (fr) [edit] [history] May 1, 2024, remifanpicsou
Un Ovni dans la nuit
Donald observe une étoile filante à travers un télescope
FC JM 3739 (fr) [edit] [history] May 1, 2024, remifanpicsou
À l'assaut du pic du Bracassé
Riri, Fifi et Loulou prennent se prennent en selfie à la montagne
FC JM 3741 (fr) [edit] [history] May 1, 2024, remifanpicsou
La légende de l'aigle géant
Picsou sur le dos d'un aigle géant
FC JM 3742 (fr) [edit] [history] May 1, 2024, remifanpicsou
L'art de briser la glace
Donald sculpte le mot glace dans la glace
I TL 2569-1 (en) [edit] [history] May 1, 2024, remifanpicsou
Petronius Paperonius e la calata dei barbari
The barbarians team-up with the witch of Vesuvius in order to rob Uncle Scrooge's ancestor.
I TL 443-B (da) [edit] [history] April 27, 2024, rrr
Paperino e la missione filatelica
Anders og ungerne skal hente et sjældent frimærke til Joakim
W US 186-00 (de) [edit] [history] April 27, 2024, Tromlaman
Dagobert gewinnt gegen Donald im Tic-Tac-Toe
S 79211 (de) [edit] [history] April 26, 2024, COv
Zeke Says Goodbye
Ede Wolf gibt vor, verreist zu sein und nähert sich den kleinen Schweinchen in Verkleidung.
D 6346 (de) [edit] [history] April 26, 2024, Tromlaman
Sea Monster Mystery
Ein Seeungeheuer können Micky und Goofy als U-Boot einer Schmugglerbande enttarnen.
S 81227 (de) [edit] [history] April 26, 2024, Tromlaman
Farm Life Is So Easy
Dagobert und Oma Duck meinen jeweils das schwerere Leben zu haben.
W SG 63-02 (de) [edit] [history] April 26, 2024, Tromlaman
The Vanishing Bandits
Supergoof stellt Bankräuber, die mit dreidimensionalen Projektionen arbeiten.
I TL 1371-B (de) [edit] [history] April 25, 2024, Tromlaman
Zio Paperone e i diamanti in scatola
Die Kinder schmuggeln für Dagobert Rohdiamanten in einer Schachtel Waschpulver und können die Panzerknacker überlisten.
D 6452 (de) [edit] [history] April 25, 2024, Tromlaman
How The Vest Was Worn
Als Schafzüchter kann Dagobert die Viehtreiber austricksen und sogar als Kunde für seine Wolle gewinnen.
IC CD 5 (de) [edit] [history] April 25, 2024, Tromlaman
Dagobert zählt sein Geld mit einem Abakus.
GC LTB 53A (de) [edit] [history] April 25, 2024, Tromlaman
Dagobert, der Milliardenakrobat
Dagobert wirft mit Geld um sich.
IC CD 5C (de) [edit] [history] April 25, 2024, Tromlaman
Dagobert wirft mit Kugeln.
I TL 755-C (de) [edit] [history] April 25, 2024, Tromlaman
Paperino e la fama funesta
Donald möchte Daisy mit seinen Flugkünsten imponieren. Da er mit anderen Damen flirtet bekommt er eine Abfuhr.
I TL 1305-B (de) [edit] [history] April 25, 2024, Tromlaman
Le GM e le buone azioni disastrose
Tick, Trick und Track wollen gute Taten vollbringen, scheitern jedoch unentwegt.
I TL 1336-B (de) [edit] [history] April 25, 2024, Tromlaman
Topolino e l'enigmatica rapina
Micky löst einen Kriminalfall um einen Fälscher von Geld und Edelsteinen.
W DAD 14-05 (de) [edit] [history] April 25, 2024, Tromlaman
The Weather Team
Donald versucht sich als Meteorologe und engagiert schließlich Omas wetterfühlige Kuh.
S 74028 (de) [edit] [history] April 25, 2024, Tromlaman
Scrooge's Fringe Benefits
Dagobert wird von Automatenaufstellern betrogen.
S 78052 (de) [edit] [history] April 25, 2024, Tromlaman
Pigeon Work
Oma Duck kann mit Hilfe einer dressierten Taube entfesselt werden und die Panzerknacker vom Raub abhalten.
S 78179 (de) [edit] [history] April 25, 2024, Tromlaman
The Big Dig
Tick, Trick und Track finden einen prähistorischen Knochen, während Gustav Gans ein Goldnugget findet.
W US 20-01 (de) [edit] [history] April 23, 2024, Tromlaman
City of Golden Roofs
Donald und Dagobert wetten, wer der bessere Geschäftsmann sei. Im Dschungel verkauft Donald Tonbandgeräte, während Dagobert einen riesigen Ofen verkauft und so zu einer Tonne Gold kommt.
S 71366 (de) [edit] [history] April 23, 2024, Tromlaman
Cleaned Out
Donald kauft sich einen selbstreinigenden Backofen und animiert die Kinder, alles zu essen.
I TL 297-A (de) [edit] [history] April 22, 2024, TSetznagel
Paperino e l'oracolo nero
Donald wird vom Medizinmann der afrikanischen Bulus verzaubert und ins Land gebracht. Dort soll er den Platz des Prinzen einnehmen, damit ihm der Bürzel ausgerissen werden kann.
W US 54-06 (de) [edit] [history] April 22, 2024, Tromlaman
Flowers Are Flowers
Um sich ein Blumengesteck zu sparen überreicht Dagobert Oma Duck einen Blumenkohl für den Opernbesuch.
I TL 440-B (en) [edit] [history] April 18, 2024, rrr
Paperino e l'albero della cuccagna
Pole climbing contest
I PM 138-1 (de) [edit] [history] April 16, 2024, COv
La risposta di Paperinik
I TL 2461-1 (en) [edit] [history] April 16, 2024, GamesPH
Paperinik e il sogno d'oro
DD and GL dream of a corsair who tells them the location of his treasure in a dream. GL and DD as PK are looking for it.
D 2008-371 (en) [edit] [history] April 16, 2024, GamesPH
Looking for a quiet vacation, Mickey and Minnie move to Morneville where they end up noticing strange things.
D 2007-191 (en) [edit] [history] April 16, 2024, GamesPH
A Pirates Life For Me
The Beagle Boys steal an explorer's map to find the jewel of a pirate ship.
I TL 3206-1 (en) [edit] [history] April 16, 2024, GamesPH
Paperino e la grande corsa infinita
Scrooge chooses DD as his cycling champion's partner for the Calisota big tour.
H 23061 (en) [edit] [history] April 16, 2024, GamesPH
In Zinkiestan
US and his nephews search for the treasure of a pirate ship that has mysteriously sunk.
I TL 2570-4 (en) [edit] [history] April 16, 2024, GamesPH
Paperoga centralinista filosofico
FE gets a job in the telephone complaint department. However, his responses are so absurd that he will likely be fired immediately...
ZW 83-12-18 (en) [edit] [history] April 15, 2024, rrr
Piglet has astigmatism
D 28346 (en) [edit] [history] April 15, 2024, rrr
HDL are eating ice cream and floating with balloons in a empty Duckburg
D 96116 (en) [edit] [history] April 15, 2024, rrr
Nightmare On Duck Street
DD gets various nightmares after accidentally spilling some nightmare-causing liquid at GY’s workshop
I AT 228-A (en) [edit] [history] April 15, 2024, rrr
Paperino e il piccolo Krack
After finding a book about Scotland in the Middle age in the attic DD gets knocked out by a loose roof board and dreams about being MCP
W DD 117-01 (en) [edit] [history] April 12, 2024, saturno3x1
Pawns of the Loup Garou
Donald is an air pilot who is engaged to deliver a secret box to a remote place in Northern Canada. Without knowing, Uncle Scrooge and Huey, Dewey and Louie fly along with him as stowaways in the cargo...
DC OJ1981-26 (en) [edit] [history] April 12, 2024, rrr
Petting a tiger
ZB 54-10-03 (en) [edit] [history] April 12, 2024, tvfmdxer
Brer Bear steals berries from Brer Rabbit.
ZB 4602 (en) [edit] [history] April 12, 2024, rrr
Famine in the forest; BRB’s secret honey tree
I TL 492-C (de) [edit] [history] April 12, 2024, Tromlaman
Zio Paperone e la torta del compleanno
Die Panzerknacker schenken Dagobert eine Torte, in der sich ein Mitglied der Bande versteckt hält. Der Schwindel fliegt jedoch auf und der Hauptsitz der Bande fliegt in die Luft.
S 71346 (de) [edit] [history] April 12, 2024, Tromlaman
Lesson In Ecology
Versehentlich wirft die Lehrerin den Aufsatz der Kinder weg, der den Titel trug "Wiederverwertung von Altpapier".
H 21078 (en) [edit] [history] April 11, 2024, rrr
uses GY's autopilot invention for his car and sleeps while it's turned on; the BB steal his car and the money with it and leave him in their wagon which then crashes nto a tree
ZB 53-03-08 (en) [edit] [history] April 11, 2024, tvfmdxer
Exploding Cigar.
W WDC 273-01 (en) [edit] [history] April 11, 2024, wdc
A Duck's-eye View of Europe
sightseeing in Venice
H 74dd18 (en) [edit] [history] April 11, 2024, Harry
Donald sacrifices his scarce finances and dignity to remain a member of the Do-Gooders club.
H 73dd12 (en) [edit] [history] April 11, 2024, Harry
The beagle boys are trapped inside the new all glass money bin and Scrooge makes some money out of it.
H 91048 (en) [edit] [history] April 11, 2024, Harry
Zwoegen of zwijnen
The Ducks want to find gold in Alaska but their hard work get interfered by Gladstone and his luck.
ZB 54-09-12 (en) [edit] [history] April 9, 2024, tvfmdxer
Baking bricks.
I TL 506-A (en) [edit] [history] April 9, 2024, tvfmdxer
Gastone e la scommessa tra commessi
GL and DD become competing salesmen.
D 2022-014 (en) [edit] [history] April 9, 2024, rrr
GU visits parallel dimension with GY invention
H 70us13 (en) [edit] [history] April 9, 2024, Harry
Fails and a win in the contest of weird self invented challenges.
S 65191 (en) [edit] [history] April 9, 2024, Harry
Scrooge accidentally pays HDL a large amount of money and cons them to get it back.
H 74dd06 (en) [edit] [history] April 9, 2024, Harry
An anteater has an appetite not only for ants...
H 74dd10 (en) [edit] [history] April 9, 2024, Harry
Uncle Scrooge signs a contract that transfers his entire fortune to the Beagle Boys.
CS WDC 215 (en) [edit] [history] April 9, 2024, Harry
Donald is working hard to be the perfect milkman but a nasty man sabotages him to take over his job.
H 74dd07 (en) [edit] [history] April 8, 2024, Harry
Donald takes HDL to the museum but brings them in trouble.
H 2020-017 (en) [edit] [history] April 8, 2024, rrr
Het verloren eiland Mu
Sailing to lost island to become member in adventurer club
W WDC 173-02 (en) [edit] [history] April 8, 2024, Harry
New Year's Revolutions
Donald tricks HDL into breaking their New Years Resolution but they pay him back.
H 74w05 (en) [edit] [history] April 8, 2024, Harry
The Big Bad Wolf is rescued by Fifer Pig from being cooked!
HC DD1975-05 (en) [edit] [history] April 8, 2024, Harry
Gyro's Helper and Bolivar playing chekers.
YD 56-01-13 (en) [edit] [history] April 8, 2024, qwerty123
Use ice-cream scoop for snow fighting
H 25137 (en) [edit] [history] April 8, 2024, rrr
GO finds rarities with metal detector which PE decides to steal
D 2011-163 (zh-hans) [edit] [history] April 8, 2024, Freddo_Piume
Chairway to Heaven
H 88043 (en) [edit] [history] April 5, 2024, Harry
Pletten van doornen
Brer Fox and Brer Bear have a clever idea for entering Brer Rabbit's domain and catching him. Will Brer Rabbit finally be eaten or does he manage to escape one more time? Read it all in this episode...
W DD 60-04 (en) [edit] [history] April 4, 2024, tvfmdxer
Tidy Friday
CL helps GO tidy his house.
I TL 855-A (en) [edit] [history] April 4, 2024, rrr
Zio Paperone e la moneta del capitano
To win a money prize US with the nephews go undersea to find a rare coin but RKD and a professor make things difficult
S 85287 (en) [edit] [history] April 4, 2024, Jave
Sweet Tooth
US gives DD a promotion and raise as a health store manager, but he must give up sweets if he wants to keep the job.
D 2022-118 (en) [edit] [history] April 4, 2024, rrr
Whose Cash is it?
who lost the wallet
D 2009-115 (pl) [edit] [history] April 3, 2024, LordArgo
A Backward Move
Donald ciągle ściąga na siebie kłopoty. Tym razem wpadł w nie po uszy! Postanowił więc uciec z Kaczogrodu do Meksyku. Jeszcze nie wie, że prawdziwy problem dopiero przed nim...
I TL 2931-02 (pl) [edit] [history] April 3, 2024, ACh
Il borseggio
I TL 3232-3 (pl) [edit] [history] April 3, 2024, ACh
Paperino e i ponti di Quackenberg
IC GCDN 79 (fi) [edit] [history] April 2, 2024, tomiantinoja
Aku ja pojat katsovat valokuvia ankkahahmoista
D 91210 (en) [edit] [history] April 2, 2024, opus
Plunkett's Emporium
Scrooge tells the story of when he is his younger days worked in a general store together with Glomgold. One day the store's owner shall choose who is worthy to take over his business and a quest for cinnamon...
Qde/BX 26J (en) [edit] [history] April 2, 2024, Donald_Duck34
Trautes Heim, Glück allein
DD pretends to have broken leg so as not to have to travel with US.
I TL 116-AP (en) [edit] [history] April 2, 2024, rrr
Topolino e il doppio segreto di Macchia Nera
PB is seeking revenge and through an elaborate plan manages to control MM through hypnotism
M TLM 4-A (en) [edit] [history] April 2, 2024, Owen
Whirlpool World
Ariel finds out about a hidden world behind a whirlpool which is segregated between blue-finned and red-finned mermaids.
I TL 3287-1 (en) [edit] [history] April 2, 2024, Gaioa
Tre papere irresistibili
Mindy seem to have a new bestie, DD is attending an attractive female celebrity, and GU is eating at the neighbor's house – it's no wonder that PYE, DA and GD are getting jealous. Perhaps a magical spring...
D 3501 (en) [edit] [history] April 2, 2024, Gaioa
The Snowman Contest
HDL tries to build a snowman for a competition, but are constantly sabotaged one way or the other. They only succeed when their uncle gets... in the way.
S 85044 (en) [edit] [history] April 2, 2024, Gaioa
Getting Up Early
GO oversleeps all the time so that MM's fishing plans are ruined.
I TL 2339-04 (de) [edit] [history] April 1, 2024, TSetznagel
Donald beneidet den Nachbar um dessen Heckenschnitt. Tick gibt an und versucht es ihm gleich zu tun.
D 93271 (de) [edit] [history] April 1, 2024, TSetznagel
Out of the Shadow
Goofys Trauerweide nimmt den Blumen den Platz an der Sonne weg. Da muss eine Lösung her.
D 3298 (en) [edit] [history] April 1, 2024, Gaioa
Liquid Gold
US finds about an ancient lost city with liquid gold, and amasses a whole bathtub of it. But how are he and his nephews gonna get home without a boat?
S 88131 (en) [edit] [history] April 1, 2024, Gaioa
Goofy Gets A Pet
GO wants to get a pet, but despite trying several (piranha, snail, and fox-dog) they all end up weird in some way.
W WDC 270-01 (en) [edit] [history] April 1, 2024, Gaioa
The Jinxed Jalopy Race
DD and GL compete in a car race for a kiss from DA, but DD litters and has to both go to court and serve his sentence during the race.
W WDC 154-01 (en) [edit] [history] April 1, 2024, rrr
Much Ado About Quackly Hall
DD wants to sell a old manor that has meanwhile become HDL's clubhouse
ZM 81-05-24 (en) [edit] [history] April 1, 2024, rrr
asks for a hammock along with his seeds
I TL 3178-2 (en) [edit] [history] April 1, 2024, atobibas1
Paperino e l’ondata di cordialità sospetta
After returning from a trip DD finds that everyone is suddenly extremely nice to him.
YM 135 (de) [edit] [history] March 31, 2024, TSetznagel
The Kid Gang
Ein Junge gibt sich als Baby aus, um Mickys Haus plündern zu können. Micky nimmt sich dem schwer erziehbaren Kind an und durch die Hilfe von Mack bessert er sich. Gemeinsam kämpfen sie gegen eine kriminelle...
I TL 2768-5 (de) [edit] [history] March 31, 2024, TSetznagel
Le uova dei Mayon
Professor Simon Sakuski ist auf der Suche nach Hühnern, die Mayonnaise Eier legen, verschwunden. Franz Gans soll ihn suchen und retten.
I TL 2288-01 (de) [edit] [history] March 31, 2024, TSetznagel
Goofy steckt in seinem Baum fest und fragt sich, wie er runterkommen soll.
YM 69-06-20 (de) [edit] [history] March 30, 2024, TSetznagel
Aufgrund des phonetischen Klanges ihrer Namen, nehmen Goofy und Gloria an, sie seinen für einander bestimmt.
YM 133 (de) [edit] [history] March 30, 2024, TSetznagel
Mickey Takes Umbrage
Maxwell Maus vertraut seinem Neffen Micky den intellektuellen Gorilla Umbra an. Gemeinsam erleben sie humorvolle Situationen, bis Umbra das Gorilla Weibchen Magnolie trifft und sich Hals über Kopf verliebt....
YM 134 (de) [edit] [history] March 30, 2024, TSetznagel
A Fatal Occupation
Ganz Entenhausen wird von einem unbekannten Wohltäter verschönert. Micky versucht ihm eine Falle zu stellen und wird von Wing Ding mit ins Innere der Erde gebracht. Dort wird Micky zum König ernannt...
D 96257 (en) [edit] [history] March 29, 2024, Gaioa
Dialing for Disaster
JW participates in a race and discovers that a major dam is about to collapse and drown Duckburg. Meanwhile, DD does extreme fishing in an attempt to join the club which owns the dam.
ZM 81-05-31 (en) [edit] [history] March 29, 2024, rrr
doesn’t want to wake up until he remembers his golf game
YM 071 (en) [edit] [history] March 29, 2024, rrr
The New Girlfriend
MM’s new female friend makes MI jealous
ZM 73-04-08 (en) [edit] [history] March 29, 2024, rrr
MI relaxing in her garden calls for MM to come over and chop an old tree
W PPTC 1-08 (de) [edit] [history] March 29, 2024, TSetznagel
Bubbles, the Water Baby, a story of Mermaid Lagoon
Die kleine Nixe Luftbläschen lernt in der Blauen Lagune das Schwimmen. Als ihr Schwimmring die Luft verliert, taucht sie zum Grund des Meeres hinab und lernt dort einige Tiere und auch König Neptun kennen....
D 9142 (en) [edit] [history] March 28, 2024, Gaioa
Crime Pays
DD wants to write a crime novel and explores shady parts of Duckburg in search of inspiration. This leads US to think that he's planning an actual crime.
D 92125 (en) [edit] [history] March 28, 2024, Gaioa
The Pink Elephant
DD wins a bundle of money bills, but US thinks DD stole it from his desk and goes on a spree trying to get every bill back
YM 45-10-30 (en) [edit] [history] March 28, 2024, rrr
MM gets kicked by a donkey despite him making friends with it
YR 47-02-07 (en) [edit] [history] March 28, 2024, rrr
Hare/ rabbit and mouse; Hare/rabbit cant hear better than the mouse
I TL 2318-5 (en) [edit] [history] March 27, 2024, DawnTreader
Amelia e le due numero 1
MDS has the idea to steal the First Dime (or maybe multiple of them?) from other dimensions where US has no defense against her. It seems easy at first, but...
I TL 2555-6 (en) [edit] [history] March 27, 2024, Gaioa
Amelia e lo stress da Numero 1
MDS is tired of chasing the First Dime, and takes some vacation at a ski resort to wind down and relax. But US is also there, and naturally believes she's about to steal the Dime...
H 86143 (en) [edit] [history] March 27, 2024, Harry
Donald makes a dangerous trip to bring his flock of sheep to Duckburg.
H 86251 (en) [edit] [history] March 27, 2024, Harry
Beren maken de man
Donald and Daisy as helicopter parent.
YR 47-02-08 (en) [edit] [history] March 27, 2024, rrr
4 mice: 3 of them are hanging from a tree branch like bats, but the 4th one refuses to do it
YR 47-02-14 (en) [edit] [history] March 27, 2024, rrr
3 tortoises all under one shell: “I’m getting sick of this housing shortage!”
YR 47-02-15 (en) [edit] [history] March 27, 2024, rrr
A hippo drinking from a water hole ends up with a bird in its mouth: “Hey, look where you’re drinking!”
YR 47-02-17 (en) [edit] [history] March 27, 2024, rrr
A bird speaks to a canary who’s in a cage: “What are you in prison for?”
YR 47-02-18 (en) [edit] [history] March 27, 2024, rrr
Pig decorated as a piggy bank with coin slot and flowers speaks to duckling: “When I grow up I’m gonna become a banker!”
YR 47-02-19 (en) [edit] [history] March 27, 2024, rrr
Skunk speaks to porcupine: “I don’t have any close friends either!”
D 2023-078 (en) [edit] [history] March 26, 2024, DawnTreader
The Dishonest Pirate
Captain Sideburn McDuck forces FE to find out which pirate crew has taken all the biscuits.
H 86215 (en) [edit] [history] March 26, 2024, Harry
Mathilde Beth-Weeter
Donald is put in a position where he has to support Gladstone but he comes up with a brilliant solution.
YR 47-02-20 (en) [edit] [history] March 26, 2024, rrr
Two owls on a branch at night: “It’s whom, not who!”
W SS 9-05 (en) [edit] [history] March 26, 2024, rrr
Goliath II, the miniature elephant
YM 125 (de) [edit] [history] March 26, 2024, TSetznagel
Dry Gulch Goofy
Goofy wird als Star für einen Film verpflichtet und reist mit Micky nach Hollywood. Dort überkommen Goofy bald Starallüren und er wird zu einer Diva.
IC PD 35 (en) [edit] [history] March 25, 2024, rrr
Sheriff DD is entering the saloon
H 87006 (en) [edit] [history] March 25, 2024, Harry
In het voetspoor van Jules Verne
Donald and Gladstone take on a challenge to travel around the world.
D 8662 (en) [edit] [history] March 25, 2024, Gaioa
The Dragon Returns
DD is gifted a horrendous-looking dragon statue and tries to get rid of it... but somehow fails every time.
D 8474 (en) [edit] [history] March 25, 2024, Harry
The Last Dance
Donald thinks he can beat the weather for the annual Duckburg outdoor ballroom dance.
YX 56-09-29 (en) [edit] [history] March 25, 2024, rrr
SC loses bone in the water but frog fetches it for him
YX 56-10-19 (en) [edit] [history] March 25, 2024, rrr
Crow takes SC’s bone but drops it in a well
YX 57-04-26 (en) [edit] [history] March 25, 2024, rrr
SC disturbing a gnu at the zoo
YF 58-10-02 (en) [edit] [history] March 25, 2024, DawnTreader
MM falls off the ladder while looking through telescope; sees stars anyway
YX 57-04-29 (en) [edit] [history] March 25, 2024, rrr
Cheeps starts using a mailbox as a nest, but there’s still a lot of mail inside
YF 58-10-03 (en) [edit] [history] March 25, 2024, rrr
After getting an attractive woman as patient doctor MM listens to his own heart beating quickly
I TL 1401-A (en) [edit] [history] March 24, 2024, Gaioa
Zio Paperone e il ponte di Messina
US wants to build an road bridge over a strait with extreme conditions. He eventually finds that coral is the only construction material that will work, and after finally convincing a local fisherman to...
YM 76-02-11 (en) [edit] [history] March 24, 2024, rrr
At a restaurant with Minnie, Mickey uses a pocket calculator to calculate how much every bite of their steaks cost.
YM 76-02-14 (en) [edit] [history] March 24, 2024, rrr
On the way to a party, Morty will call his uncle to pick him up as soon as they run out of ice cream and cake.
YM 76-02-16 (en) [edit] [history] March 24, 2024, rrr
All the clocks show a different time at Goofy’s clock shop, so he asks Mickey what the time is.
YM 76-02-17 (en) [edit] [history] March 24, 2024, rrr
A dozen roses cost 12 dollars, so Mickey phones Minnie to ask if she’d rather like to eat dinner out.
YM 76-02-20 (en) [edit] [history] March 24, 2024, rrr
Glory-Bee wants to test Goofy’s chivalry by throwing her handkerchief in front of him, but he doesn’t react the way she expected.
H 91148 (en) [edit] [history] March 24, 2024, Harry
Manus Brulboei
Donald has to sell an old stock of records nobody wants to hear...
YM 130 (de) [edit] [history] March 24, 2024, TSetznagel
Hoosat from Another Planet
Micky und Goofy lernen in der Wüste den Roboter Öhmchen kennen, sowie die außerirdischen Erbauer Werdat und ihren Vater. Mehrere Roboter bauen dort Blirium ab, damit die Außerirdischen das Universum...
YM 76-02-21 (en) [edit] [history] March 23, 2024, rrr
Mickey drops in at Minnie’s to taste what he believes is dinner cooking, but it’s actually starch.
YM 76-05-10 (en) [edit] [history] March 23, 2024, rrr
While demolishing a house, Goofy accidentally smashed the wrecking ball into the crane vehicle.
H 90053 (en) [edit] [history] March 23, 2024, Harry
in volle vaart
US sells street-legal racing cars but looses money because the racing car drivers delivering them get tickets for speeding.
ZM 78-02-05 (en) [edit] [history] March 23, 2024, rrr
In a desert Mickey takes a photo of a tropical island mirage he wants to paint, when the mirage disappears shortly after he uses the photo as reference.
ZM 78-02-12 (en) [edit] [history] March 23, 2024, rrr
Mickey in a ragged old coat asks Minnie for a walk (so he can gallantly toss his coat in a mud puddle for her), but the sight of the coat alone makes her refuse.
ZM 78-02-19 (en) [edit] [history] March 23, 2024, rrr
Looking at the historical ages in a museum, Morty rather prefers the “ice-cream age”.
YM 59-07-18 (en) [edit] [history] March 23, 2024, rrr
the salesman is MM’s new neighbor
D 2022-156 (de) [edit] [history] March 23, 2024, TSetznagel
Genie Cleaning
Hokus & Pokus beschwören den Flaschengeist Axaxa, um Gundels Hütte putzen zu lassen.
YM 129 (de) [edit] [history] March 23, 2024, TSetznagel
The Isle of Moola-la
Um seine Steuerschulden zu tilgen, macht sich Micky in die Südsee auf. Dort will er die schwarzen Perlen von der Insel Knet'eh bergen. Dabei trifft er auf einen Zauberer, Kater Karlo und seine Piraten...
ZM 78-02-26 (en) [edit] [history] March 22, 2024, rrr
A fortuneteller predicts Goofy buying her business.
H 88052 (en) [edit] [history] March 22, 2024, Harry
Donald and Gladstone compete for the starring role in a play.
ZM 78-03-05 (en) [edit] [history] March 22, 2024, rrr
Minnie gets fancy dressed for a night out but then Mickey suggests bowling instead.
ZM 78-07-30 (en) [edit] [history] March 22, 2024, rrr
Minnie buys a fancy hat despite Mickey not liking it, but returns it after seeing a woman with the same hat.
I TL 2598-2 (en) [edit] [history] March 22, 2024, Gaioa
Zio Paperone e la "Creditempo" P.d.P.
US opens a bank for time, so that people can deposit their own free time and withdraw someone else's when needed. But when everyone withdraws time in order to attend a sports game, it goes insolvent and...
ZM 78-08-13 (en) [edit] [history] March 22, 2024, rrr
Minnie buys a golf bag for Mickey, so he can put the garden tools in there while working in her garden.
ZM 78-09-03 (en) [edit] [history] March 22, 2024, rrr
Goofy tries to build his own canoe out of a log of wood, but ends up only making a toy boat instead.
YM 56-11-02 (en) [edit] [history] March 22, 2024, rrr
MM and MF1 wear a silly-looking hat at a fair, and think MI’s hat from Paris is one of those
YM 58-05-07 (en) [edit] [history] March 22, 2024, rrr
Bad “woman” driver is actually a hairy hermit
H 93183 (en) [edit] [history] March 22, 2024, Harry
Just before the start of a live broadcast everything goes wrong.
YM 58-09-06 (en) [edit] [history] March 22, 2024, rrr
GO sells a lamp back at a auction and ends up buying it again
YM 58-09-08 (en) [edit] [history] March 22, 2024, rrr
watch western with Indian chief in tipi
W WDC 1-00 (en) [edit] [history] March 22, 2024, opus
Opening Number
Donald is winking with eye and pointing his finger while turning the first page.
YM 126 (de) [edit] [history] March 22, 2024, TSetznagel
The Ghost of Black Brian
Micky und Goofy freunden sich mit Guido (Sam), einem Geist, an. Gemeinsam erleben sie einige Alltagsabenteuer, bevor am Ende das Medium Professor Unheil besiegt wird.
YM 128 (de) [edit] [history] March 20, 2024, TSetznagel
The Midas Ring
Micky erhält den Ring des König Midas geschenkt und wird dadurch in kürzester Zeit steinreich. Mit dem Geld tritt auch Katharina Krisp in sein Leben, die nun sämtliche Punkte seines Lebens für ihn...
D 2021-166 (de) [edit] [history] March 17, 2024, TSetznagel
Der junge Dagobert Duck hilft seinen Schwestern aus der Bredouille. Beide Schwestern von Piraten gekapert, während Dortel in einem Krankenhaus genest, bleibt Mathilda verschollen.
I M 84-2 (de) [edit] [history] March 17, 2024, TSetznagel
A.A.A. Investigatori offresi
Daisy und David ermitteln im Falle einer Entführung und Betruges.
H 93183 (nl) [edit] [history] March 12, 2024, Harry
Juist voor het begin van de live uitzending gaat er van alles mis.
W MM 80-01 (de) [edit] [history] March 10, 2024, TSetznagel
Adventure on Turtle Island
Mack und Muck büxen von Zuhause aus und verstecken sich auf der Schildkröteninsel. Zur gleichen Zeit verstecken sich zwei entflohene Häftlinge auf der Insel.
D 96111 (de) [edit] [history] March 10, 2024, TSetznagel
Off On A Comet
Micky wird von zwei Wissenschaftlern entführt und mit einer Rakete zu einem Kometen geschickt. Nun steuert der Komet auf Entenhausen zu.
W MM 54-04 (de) [edit] [history] March 10, 2024, TSetznagel
The Vanishing Bandit
Ein Juwelendieb flüchtet aufs offene Meer und verschwindet dort. Micky und Goofy stehen vor einem Rätsel.
KZ 3590 (de) [edit] [history] March 8, 2024, TSetznagel
Dime After Dime
Nicky und Gundels Nichte Minima werden Freunde. Gundel versucht so an den Glückszehner zu gelangen.
ZM 78-07-16 (en) [edit] [history] March 6, 2024, rrr
Morty throws a coin in a wishing well and wishes for an ice cream.
ZM 78-07-09 (en) [edit] [history] March 6, 2024, rrr
Morty gets a junior doctor’s kit as a present, and uses his bandages on Mickey and Pluto.
ZM 78-07-02 (en) [edit] [history] March 6, 2024, rrr
Goofy compliments Minnie and Clarabelle on his way to an eye examination.
ZM 78-06-25 (en) [edit] [history] March 6, 2024, rrr
Morty wants to work himself exhausted at home so he doesn’t have to think about the movie he can’t afford to watch.
ZM 78-06-04 (en) [edit] [history] March 6, 2024, rrr
Goofy has been waiting all day to read his new mystery novel, but then the parrot spoils it.
ZM 78-05-07 (en) [edit] [history] March 6, 2024, rrr
Goofy is worried about his first night in the theater… selling program booklets.
ZM 78-04-30 (en) [edit] [history] March 6, 2024, rrr
Mickey tells Minnie about his perfect bowling game, and Minnie takes it as something to be celebrated, i.e with a dinner out.
ZM 78-04-23 (en) [edit] [history] March 6, 2024, rrr
Goofy’s parrot is tired of sleeping on a perch so he gets Doctor Proctor to suggest him a couple of days in bed, but Goofy misinterprets that.
ZM 78-03-26 (en) [edit] [history] March 6, 2024, rrr
Goofy dressed as a bear on the way to Clarabelle’s costume party is mistaken for an escapee from the zoo, while the real bear has taken Goofy’s place at the party.
ZM 78-03-19 (en) [edit] [history] March 6, 2024, rrr
Mickey uses a lot of time on building a birdhouse but the bird prefers building a nest on top of it.
ZM 78-03-12 (en) [edit] [history] March 6, 2024, rrr
At a charity bazaar. Minnie doesn’t have anything against Mickey spending money at the kissing booth… as long as they just shake hands.
I TL 1319-BP (de) [edit] [history] March 4, 2024, Tromlaman
Paperinik e la sfida di Fantomat
Phantomias deckt Diebesbanden auf, die die Beute im Gefängnis verstecken.
I TL 987-A (de) [edit] [history] March 4, 2024, Tromlaman
Paperinik e la banda dei "bravi ragazzi"
Die Brave-Buben-Bande möchte Oma Duck ausrauben. Trickreich kann Phantomias dies verhindern.
I TL 1316-A (de) [edit] [history] March 4, 2024, Tromlaman
Paperinik contro i re del Rock
Bei Konzerten der Rockband "Drops" passieren zahlreiche Überfälle, die die Panzerknacker durch Hypnose-Licht verursachen.
S 72435 (de) [edit] [history] March 4, 2024, Tromlaman
No Place Like Home
Donalds individuelle Haus-Ideen werden kopiert, bis er seine Garage zerstört.
I TL 1297-AP (de) [edit] [history] March 4, 2024, Tromlaman
Zio Paperone e i pirati dell'Orsa Maggiore
Die Ducks müssen bei einer Erkundungsfahrt im All auf dem Polarstern notlanden. Dort gefundene Diamanten verflüssigen sich später.
ZD 45-10-21 (de) [edit] [history] March 4, 2024, Tromlaman
Die Vögel mögen lieber eine Badewanne als Vogelbad.
I TL 1313-AP (de) [edit] [history] March 4, 2024, Tromlaman
Zio Paperone e i campi galleggianti
Um Wetter-Kapriolen zu umgehen legt Dagobert schwimmende Felder an.
ZD 64-01-26 (de) [edit] [history] March 4, 2024, Tromlaman
Eine Sicherheitskette für den Hund macht soviel Probleme, dass Donald einfach den Mast absägt.
I TL 984-B (de) [edit] [history] March 4, 2024, Tromlaman
Zio Paperone e il demone del gioco
Klaas Klever möchte Dagobert spielsüchtig machen, doch Phantomias rettet ihn.
S 72059 (de) [edit] [history] March 4, 2024, Tromlaman
The Great Impersonator
Donald soll als Dagobert verkleidet in die Versammlung gehen und löst unabsichtlich einen Aktienboom aus.
I TL 1334-B (de) [edit] [history] March 4, 2024, Tromlaman
Paperinik superstar
Dagobert präsentiert Mars-Musiker mitsamt einem gefälschten Rock-Phantomias. Der echte Phantomias kann dies verhindern.
I TL 925-AP (de) [edit] [history] March 4, 2024, Tromlaman
Paperinik e le intercettazioni telefoniche
Die Panzerknacker setzen Donald und Dagobert auf einer einsamen Insel aus.

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