Donald Duck
The Viking Voyage

Story code
D 9434
The Viking Voyage
Donald Duck
4 rows per page
Cornelius Coot (statue), Daisy Duck, Donald Duck, Gyro Gearloose, Gyro's Helper, Huey Dewey and Louie [show character portraits]
Lars Bergström, Stefan Printz-Påhlson
Tom Anderson
Marco Rota
Date of first publication
Time Machine graphic novels (Chapter 1)
Referred to in
cover: BC AD 301, D 7811, D 20894, FC GSD 6, IC TD 106, IC ZP 85, IC ZP 85B
article: Qfi/ANTE 4C, Qit/TD 106B, Qit/TD 106C, Qit/TD 109C, Qit/TSI 10B, Qit/ZPP 45B, Qno/DD1993B04
various: IC ZP 130C (unknown), D 9576 (The Cave Bear Caper) (sequel), Qdk/AA2022B27A (panel), IC UACK 24BZ (single panel as illustration), D 2008-202 (Rush City) (similar time machine), XFC PS1987-12 (cover; art from page 19 panel 6)

This story is rated 7.3/10 and ranked 519/43646 according to COA users. There have been about 35 votes for this story.

enDD with HDL travel back in time to the viking era andy try to find their to time machine so they can return to their time
frUne machine à remonter le temps conduit Donald Duck et ses neveux Riri, Fifi et Loulou Duck chez les Vikings. (by Loulouduck, history)
elΟ Ντόναλντ και τα ανίψια του ταξιδεύουν στο χρόνο και καταλήγουν στην εποχή των Βίκιγκ, όπου προσπαθούν να εντοπίσουν την χρονομηχανή τους για να γυρίσουν στο παρόν
noPetter Smarts tidsmaskin fører Donald og guttene til vikingtiden
plDonald i Siostrzeńcy wybierają się do warsztatu Diodaka. Wynalazca opowiada im o jego odkryciu - wehikule czasu! Nierozsądny kaczor pociąga jednak za nieodpowiednią dźwignię i... trafia w czasy Wikingów. Legendarni zbójowie zabierają kaczorom maszynę, bez której powrót do domu jest niemożliwy... (by tolio, history)
Sweden, TIDS 1
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Poland, KGD 5
This enlargement has been auto-generated, the result may sometimes be unexpected.
France, SPG 24
Germany, X1989-04
Poland, KDW1991-01
Greece, KX 187
Germany, HOF 7
Poland, KGD 5

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