Paperino e la ventiquattresima ora

Story code
I TL 295-A
Paperino e la ventiquattresima ora
3 rows per page
Donald Duck, Gyro Gearloose, Huey Dewey and Louie, Mickey Mouse, Uncle Scrooge [show character portraits]
Guido Martina
Art (pencil and ink)
Luciano Capitanio
Date of first publication
Referred to in
Qfi/T2020TRJ (article)

Topolino appare, alla guida della sua auto, nella terza vignetta della dodicesima tavola

This story is rated 6.9/10 and ranked 33518/43673 according to COA users. There have been about 20 votes for this story.

enWhile searching for gold many years ago, Uncle Scrooge agreed to share the proceeds from a gold mine with an associate who had to leave the frozen north for warmer climates. But Scrooge failed to live up to the deal, having signed the contract with disappearing ink. However, the associate has since found a loophole in the law which still makes the contract valid and thus entitles him to a large chunk of Scrooge's fortune! So, with Donald and the boys in tow, Scrooge resorts to increasingly desperate methods to keep his beloved money to himself. (by marktreut, history)
fiRoope-sedän vanha kaivoskumppani kultarynnikön ajoilta ilmestyy vaatimaan saataviaan. vaikka Roope-setä allekirjoitti sopimuksen yhdessä löydetyn kultasuonen tuotosta haihtuvalla musteella, riittää sopimuspaperissa oleva peukalonjälki todistamaan puolet visukintun omaisuudesta Väkänokalle kuuluvaksi. sotkusta selvitäkseen ankat ryhtyvät murtopuuhiin yhdessä vankilasta karanneen murtoveikon kanssa
itGiàn Pivière, vecchio socio di Zio Paperone, pretende la metà delle sue sostanze
Italy, TL 295
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Italy, TL 295
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Italy, CWD 25
Germany, LTB 4
France, MPNT 786
Italy, GCD 236
Italy, CD 43
Changes: strong dialogues censored

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