Paperino e la macchina della conoscenza

Story code
I TL 2172-1
Paperino e la macchina della conoscenza
3 rows per page
Toddi Ghigno (1st), Boomer Buff (1st), Donald Duck, Gyro Gearloose, Huey Dewey and Louie [show character portraits]
Corrado Mastantuono
Art (pencil and ink)
Corrado Mastantuono
Date of first publication
Referred to in
article: Qit/CTS 118B, Qit/CTS 118E, Qit/GSI 1A, Qit/GSI 1C, Qit/GSI 1D, Qit/GSI 1E, Qit/ILPA 51B, Qit/ILPA 52E, Qit/PM 408G, Qit/TSD 15G, Qit/UACK 17F

This story is rated 7/10 and ranked 2151/43673 according to COA users. There have been about 30 votes for this story.

Entry edited by: LPJ (October 9, 2017)

enDD's neighbor suddenly becomes a sportstar and GY becomes a super violonist
frLe voisin de Donald devient soudainement une star du sport et Géo Trouvetou devient un super violoniste. (by xShinatox, history)
itPrima apparizione di Bum Bum Ghigno, vicino di casa di Archimede. (by Arare, history)
itinvenzione di Archimede
plZnajomy Donalda Rychu z życiowego nieudacznika staje się wzorem wszelkich cnót. W przeciągu kilka dni można go zobaczyć jako prowadzącego "Koło Tortury", genialnego tenisistę czy gwiazdę muzyki. Kaczor nie wierzy jednak, że Rychu mógł posiąść wszystkie te zdolności w tak krótkim czasie. (by tolio, history)
Italy, TL 2172
more scans >>
Italy, TL 2172
This enlargement has been auto-generated, the result may sometimes be unexpected.
Poland, KG 1998-07
France, MP 226
Greece, MM 2158

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