Donald Duck
One Of Those Days

Story code
S 72453
Disney Studio (foreign market stories)
One Of Those Days
Donald Duck
4 rows per page
Donald Duck, Fethry Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie, Tabby, Uncle Scrooge [show character portraits]
Art (pencil and ink)
Carlos Edgard Herrero
Date of first publication
DD+US+FE newspaper stories

This story is rated 6.9/10 and ranked 22264/43715 according to COA users. There have been about 5 votes for this story.

enrace on office chair; Covering skate conpetition with foot stuck in chair; DD has to write a report about a race on office chairs
deWettrennen auf Bürodrehstuhl
noDonald har en dårlig dag på jobb, og setter foten fast i kontorstolen. Han blir sendt for å dekke et rullebrettløp, og siden kontorstolen han sitter fast i har hjul blir han ufrivillig med i løpet. (by sveknu, history)
Brazil, TP 95
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Italy, TL 926
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Italy, TL 926
France, JM 1150
Egypt, SM 699
Chile, DIS 650
Norway, SP 23

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