Donald Duck

Story code
YD 40-06-13
Daily strips (US)
Donald Duck
Newspaper strip
Donald Duck [show character portraits]
Bob Karp
Art (pencil and ink)
Al Taliaferro
Date of first publication
Referred to in
similar idea: D 65-25e, YD 55-10-28
remake: Quk/MMW 611B (Tumbletoes), YD 75-11-28
variation: YD 60-05-11, YD 71-08-14
various: ZD 63-04-28 (same idea)

enDD paints himself into the chimney
frDonald cire le sol, puis est obligé de sortir par la cheminée
United States, ZZ1940
more scans >>
United States, WDC 20
This enlargement has been auto-generated, the result may sometimes be unexpected.
United States, WDC 20
Netherlands, DD1982-40
Italy, DVP 3
United States, US 315
Poland, GP 51
United States, DDDN 1

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