Topolino e l'uovo fuori stagione

Story code
I TL 672-B
Topolino e l'uovo fuori stagione
3 rows per page
Chief O'Hara, Detective Casey, Goofy, Mickey Mouse, Peg-Leg Pete [show character portraits]
Abramo Barosso
Giampaolo Barosso
Art (pencil and ink)
Luciano Capitanio
Date of first publication

This story is rated 6.9/10 and ranked 9730/43759 according to COA users. There have been about 15 votes for this story.

frMickey acquiert des oeufs-surprise, dont les surprises sont fournies par les clients, que convoite aussi Pat Hibulaire (by jdupire, history)
deGoofy und Micky erstehen in einem Geschenkeladen ein Überraschungsei. Der Inhalt des Eis interessiert Kater Karlo besonders. (by TSetznagel, history)
itavventura gialla
noMikke og Langbein kjøper påskeegg med overraskelser i. Dessverre har de kjøpt påskeegget til Svarte-Petter, som for alt i verden vil ha det igjen! (by Paddekaka, history)
Italy, TL 672
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Italy, TL 672
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Greece, MM 552
France, MP 38
Italy, GCD 205

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