Gyro Gearloose
Roscoe the Robot

Robot Servant
Story code
W US 20-03
Roscoe the Robot
Gyro Gearloose
4 rows per page
Gyro Gearloose, Gyro's Helper, Roscoe the Robot [show character portraits]
Carl Barks
Art (pencil and ink)
Carl Barks
Date of first publication
Date the story was created
External link
Carl Barks guidebook
Referred to in
article: Qfi/T2020TRL, Qfi/T2022TRF, Qgr/KX 245C, Qit/DCOLL40D, Qit/DPCS 15D, Qit/PM 232c, Qno/DD1997-11, Qus/CBDL 20A
various: D/N 98008 (Gyro's Robot) (remake), ARC LICGY 2 (re-used art), HP DD1992-36 (robot), XFC AA2020-52-53B (robot with umbrella)

This story is rated 7.1/10 and ranked 1330/43752 according to COA users. There have been about 35 votes for this story.

enMind-reader robot
daGeorg bygger en robot, der reagerer på tankekommandoer
fiPelle Pelottoman rakentama robotti osaa toimia vain Pellen ajatusten mukaan, missä juuri piileekin keksinnön kompastuskivi
frGéo a créé un robot qui agit selon ses moindres désirs (by duckstories, history)
frGéo s'est construit Totor, un robot qui l'aide dans les tâches ménagères.
deRoboter Roland handelt nach Düsentriebs Gedanken
noPetter Smart lager en robot som gjør akkurat det Petter Smart tenker
ruВинт изобрёл робота, читающего мысли и выполняющего желания. (by spacewalker, history)
United States, US 20
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United States, US 20
This enlargement has been auto-generated, the result may sometimes be unexpected.
Italy, AT 22
Mexico, CWD 178
Netherlands, DD1959-47
Greece, GX 226
Spain, DB1 482
United States, WDC 297
Spain, PD2 10
Mexico, CWD 382
Australia, GS 387
Chile, TR 12
Germany, MM1969-08
Chile, TR 157
France, MPO 15
Australia, WDC 341
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