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50 reports on this page.
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1  Rodiandrea issue?c=it/RTL 215 139917
Thursday, Sep 7, 2023, 10:02:37 AM solved by SMa (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
Issue is missing indexing for front cover and back cover, since it's a collection of 3 topolino issues. Front cover illustration info should be IC RTL 215
2  Rodiandrea issue?c=it/RTL 242 139916
Thursday, Sep 7, 2023, 10:00:57 AM solved by sma (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
The issue is missing the front cover and back cover indexes, since it's a collection of 3 comics. I can later upload the front cover scan since I have it.
cover information should be IC RTL 242
― sma status changed to solved Thursday, Sep 28, 2023, 08:30:18 AM
Covers have been added.
3  Rodiandrea main 120615
Wednesday, Feb 17, 2021, 10:29:53 AM informative message (Pim) (full view, add comment) maintained by FWi,PHm
I would like to volunteer for the website. How can I get in contact?
― Adrien Wednesday, Feb 17, 2021, 09:17:09 PM
how would you like to contribute ?
For now, I would suggest to carry on sending indexes, descriptions, scans and reporting errors. Reports may take some time to be solved, depending on the time we have (we are all volunteers !)
― Rodiandrea Wednesday, Feb 17, 2021, 09:26:32 PM
I've sent around 100 descriptions but only 5 of them got added, that's why I thought of voluntering. I also speak Italian, so I could help with messages in that language. But I never worked on an "old school" website like this one, I've only used WordPress, so I don't really know how things work and how I could help.
― Adrien Wednesday, Feb 17, 2021, 10:44:53 PM
I've just added all your descriptions.
It's indeed an "old school" website in the sense that its core is an old fashioned database (basically text files). We work at keeping it up-to-date but also as accurate as possible, which explains some of the inertia concerning changes needing double-check.
PM me if you want more details !
― Pim status changed to informative message Monday, Mar 22, 2021, 03:01:01 PM
4  Rodiandrea main 120522
Saturday, Feb 13, 2021, 04:04:22 PM duplicate (Pim) (full view, add comment) maintained by FWi
I would like to volunteer for the website, how can I contact someone to talk?
― Pim status changed to duplicate Monday, Mar 22, 2021, 10:33:56 AM
See report 120615.
5  Rodiandrea publication?c=it/DCLA&pg=0&pg=img 120521
Saturday, Feb 13, 2021, 03:45:07 PM unsolved (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
Mancano Disney Classic 3, 4 e 5
6  Rodiandrea main 119645
Tuesday, Jan 26, 2021, 02:04:03 PM unsolved (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
Assente dal sito la serie Donald Duck - Le Origini ristampa italiana molto recente delle strisce quotidiane di Al Taliaferro.
7  Rodiandrea s?c=I TL 2461-5 119306
Thursday, Jan 14, 2021, 11:58:51 AM solved by Adrien (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
New description of story I TL 2461-5. Language: it.

Zio Paperone apre un parco divertimenti con gli antifurti del deposito

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8  Rodiandrea s?c=I TL 1512-AP 119086
Monday, Jan 4, 2021, 09:30:30 PM solved by Adrien (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
New description of story I TL 1512-AP. Language: it.

I bassotti prendono il controllo della corona di luce, e Paperino insieme ai nipotini e Archimede cerca di riprenderla

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9  Rodiandrea s?c=D 2004-276 119077
Monday, Jan 4, 2021, 01:15:07 PM solved by Adrien (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
New description of story D 2004-276. Language: it.

Paperino viene preso come assistente giardiniere

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10  Rodiandrea s?c=I TL 2694-2 119024
Saturday, Jan 2, 2021, 02:09:57 PM solved by Adrien (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
New description of story I TL 2694-2. Language: it.

Paperino sta per andare in vacanza, ma una coppia di supercattivi attacca il deposito

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11  Rodiandrea s?c=I TL 2693-2 119017
Friday, Jan 1, 2021, 01:46:57 PM solved by Adrien (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
New description of story I TL 2693-2. Language: it.

Paperino sta per andare in vacanza, ma un supercattivo con assistente robot appare a Paperopoli

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12  Rodiandrea s?c=D 2006-122 119009
Thursday, Dec 31, 2020, 01:36:15 PM solved by Adrien (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
New description of story D 2006-122. Language: it.

Paperino ne ha abbastanza e decide di vendere la sua 313

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13  Rodiandrea s?c=I TL 2692-3 119008
Thursday, Dec 31, 2020, 01:34:14 PM solved by Adrien (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
New description of story I TL 2692-3. Language: it.

Paperino รจ un fantasista dei pavimenti e si cimenta nelle richieste dei suoi clienti

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14  Rodiandrea issue?c=it/PPK  48 118805
Friday, Dec 25, 2020, 09:38:26 AM solved by SMa (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
Immagine di copertina errata. Viene mostrata quella della vecchia serie di inizio anni 2000, invece che della nuova.
― sma Sunday, Dec 27, 2020, 07:39:55 AM
Thank you. Scan removed.
15  Rodiandrea s?c=I TL 3393-1 118405
Sunday, Dec 13, 2020, 09:29:20 AM solved by Adrien (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
New description of story I TL 3393-1. Language: it.

Zio Paperone e Rockerduck si sfidano ad una gara di risparmio

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16  Rodiandrea s?c=I TL 2642-7 117994
Tuesday, Dec 1, 2020, 01:13:09 PM solved by Adrien (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
New description of story I TL 2642-7. Language: it.

Paperino deve inventare qualcosa di nuovo per Zio Paperone

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17  Rodiandrea s?c=I TL 2632-6 117375
Tuesday, Nov 17, 2020, 01:07:05 PM solved by Adrien (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
New description of story I TL 2632-6. Language: it.

Gennarino perde la memoria e viene adottato da Paperone

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18  Rodiandrea s?c=I TL 2632-2P 117374
Tuesday, Nov 17, 2020, 01:04:01 PM solved by Adrien (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
New description of story I TL 2632-2P. Language: it.

Zio Paperone parte per un viaggio intorno al momento alla ricerca di 5 ricette, una per continente

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19  Rodiandrea s?c=I TL 2630-2 117298
Sunday, Nov 15, 2020, 11:29:58 AM solved by Adrien (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
New description of story I TL 2630-2. Language: it.

Zio Paperone fa trasformare lingotti in mele d'oro per fregare i Bassotti

Note to maintainer: you can add the story using CVS edit and manually close this bug. To close this bug and add the description to zz.dbi clicking here
20  Rodiandrea s?c=I TL 2629-5 117229
Friday, Nov 13, 2020, 01:07:12 PM solved by Adrien (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
New description of story I TL 2629-5. Language: it.

I bassotti sfruttano un convegno di Intellettuale-176 per rubare il grimaldello d'oro

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21  Rodiandrea s?c=S 83104 117016
Saturday, Nov 7, 2020, 07:03:36 PM solved by Adrien (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
New description of story S 83104. Language: it.

Paperoga partecipa ad una gara di Country

Note to maintainer: you can add the story using CVS edit and manually close this bug. To close this bug and add the description to zz.dbi clicking here
22  Rodiandrea s?c=S 84137 117015
Saturday, Nov 7, 2020, 07:02:07 PM solved by Adrien (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
New description of story S 84137. Language: it.

Zio Paperone va alla ricerca di un libro nella nuova libreria di Paperina

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23  Rodiandrea s?c=S 82033 117012
Saturday, Nov 7, 2020, 07:01:18 PM solved by Adrien (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
New description of story S 82033. Language: it.

Nonna Papera prova il paracadutismo

Note to maintainer: you can add the story using CVS edit and manually close this bug. To close this bug and add the description to zz.dbi clicking here
24  Rodiandrea s?c=I TL 1495-B 117011
Saturday, Nov 7, 2020, 07:00:13 PM solved by Adrien (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
New description of story I TL 1495-B. Language: it.

Un ladro sfrutta l'ipnosi per rapinare i ricconi

Note to maintainer: you can add the story using CVS edit and manually close this bug. To close this bug and add the description to zz.dbi clicking here
25  Rodiandrea s?c=I TL 1593-A 117010
Saturday, Nov 7, 2020, 06:58:18 PM solved by Adrien (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
New description of story I TL 1593-A. Language: it.

Un'invenzione di Archimede permette di imparare mentre si dorme

Note to maintainer: you can add the story using CVS edit and manually close this bug. To close this bug and add the description to zz.dbi clicking here
26  Rodiandrea s?c=S 81160 117009
Saturday, Nov 7, 2020, 06:23:41 PM solved by Adrien (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
New description of story S 81160. Language: it.

Clarabella eredita una fattoria

Note to maintainer: you can add the story using CVS edit and manually close this bug. To close this bug and add the description to zz.dbi clicking here
27  Rodiandrea s?c=S 78001 117008
Saturday, Nov 7, 2020, 06:22:34 PM solved by Adrien (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
New description of story S 78001. Language: it.

Topesio prende in giro topolino per la sua macchina

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28  Rodiandrea s?c=S 83026 117007
Saturday, Nov 7, 2020, 06:20:49 PM solved by Adrien (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
New description of story S 83026. Language: it.

Gastone regala il suo ciondolo fortunato a Paperoga

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29  Rodiandrea s?c=I TL 1589-C 117006
Saturday, Nov 7, 2020, 06:19:15 PM solved by Adrien (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
New description of story I TL 1589-C. Language: it.

Zio Paperone racconta la storia della numero due

Note to maintainer: you can add the story using CVS edit and manually close this bug. To close this bug and add the description to zz.dbi clicking here
30  Rodiandrea s?c=I TL 1584-BP 117005
Saturday, Nov 7, 2020, 06:18:48 PM solved by Adrien (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
New description of story I TL 1584-BP. Language: it.

Topolino racconta la storia din un tesoro a Pippo e Minni

Note to maintainer: you can add the story using CVS edit and manually close this bug. To close this bug and add the description to zz.dbi clicking here
31  Rodiandrea s?c=I TL 2436-5 116589
Friday, Oct 23, 2020, 12:10:24 PM solved by Adrien (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
New description of story I TL 2436-5. Language: it.

Qui Quo e Qua vanno in vacanza separati con parenti e amici

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32  Rodiandrea s?c=I TL 2462-6 116491
Thursday, Oct 22, 2020, 12:25:53 PM solved by Adrien (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
New description of story I TL 2462-6. Language: it.

Topolino, Pippo e Zio Jeremy vanno alla ricerca di un tesoro

Note to maintainer: you can add the story using CVS edit and manually close this bug. To close this bug and add the description to zz.dbi clicking here
33  Rodiandrea s?c=I TL 2462-4 116490
Thursday, Oct 22, 2020, 12:24:09 PM solved by Adrien (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
New description of story I TL 2462-4. Language: it.

Pico spiega in TV come combattere i problemi di sonno

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34  Rodiandrea s?c=I TL 2411-6 116386
Tuesday, Oct 20, 2020, 12:11:35 PM solved by Adrien (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
New description of story I TL 2411-6. Language: it.

Zio Paperone deve spendere un milione per guadagnare un contratto

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35  Rodiandrea s?c=I TL 2411-5 116385
Tuesday, Oct 20, 2020, 12:10:19 PM solved by Adrien (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
New description of story I TL 2411-5. Language: it.

Paperino vuole vedere a tutti i costi il derby del centenario

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36  Rodiandrea s?c=I TL 2386-4 116366
Monday, Oct 19, 2020, 12:38:41 PM solved by Adrien (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
New description of story I TL 2386-4. Language: it.

Indiana Pipps va alla ricerca dei giochi del deserto

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37  Rodiandrea s?c=I TL 2386-3 116365
Monday, Oct 19, 2020, 12:37:33 PM solved by Adrien (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
New description of story I TL 2386-3. Language: it.

Paperino cerca di prendere la corriera

Note to maintainer: you can add the story using CVS edit and manually close this bug. To close this bug and add the description to zz.dbi clicking here
38  Rodiandrea s?c=I TL 2386-2 116364
Monday, Oct 19, 2020, 12:35:31 PM solved by Adrien (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
New description of story I TL 2386-2. Language: it.

Pico e Paperoga vanno alla ricerca del protopterix

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39  Rodiandrea s?c=I TL 2386-1 116362
Monday, Oct 19, 2020, 12:34:19 PM solved by Adrien (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
New description of story I TL 2386-1. Language: it.

Azimuth crea un piano per far sparire Moby e Paper Hoog

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40  Rodiandrea s?c=I TL 2383-5 116308
Friday, Oct 16, 2020, 01:14:00 PM solved by Adrien (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
New description of story I TL 2383-5. Language: it.

Azimuth cerca di affondare delle barche per rubare dell'oro

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41  Rodiandrea s?c=I TL 2383-3 116307
Friday, Oct 16, 2020, 01:12:27 PM solved by Adrien (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
New description of story I TL 2383-3. Language: it.

Archimede deve presentare un'invenzione al congresso degli inventori

Note to maintainer: you can add the story using CVS edit and manually close this bug. To close this bug and add the description to zz.dbi clicking here
42  Rodiandrea s?c=I TL 2383-2 116306
Friday, Oct 16, 2020, 01:10:35 PM solved by Adrien (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
New description of story I TL 2383-2. Language: it.

Topolino e Pippo cercano di andare in vacanza

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43  Rodiandrea s?c=I TL 2383-1 116305
Friday, Oct 16, 2020, 01:09:09 PM solved by Adrien (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
New description of story I TL 2383-1. Language: it.

Paperino-Paperinik perde un'invenzione di Archimede e la deve ritrovare

Note to maintainer: you can add the story using CVS edit and manually close this bug. To close this bug and add the description to zz.dbi clicking here
44  Rodiandrea s?c=I TL 2381-3 116302
Friday, Oct 16, 2020, 12:36:18 PM solved by Adrien (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
New description of story I TL 2381-3. Language: it.

Pico di Paperis viola le leggi stradali

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45  Rodiandrea s?c=I TL 2356-5 116294
Thursday, Oct 15, 2020, 01:05:41 PM solved by Adrien (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
New description of story I TL 2356-5. Language: it.

Amelia e Roberta trasformano Paperone in uno spendaccione

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46  Rodiandrea s?c=I TL 2356-4 116293
Thursday, Oct 15, 2020, 01:03:54 PM solved by Adrien (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
New description of story I TL 2356-4. Language: it.

Pippo crea la sua ditta di consegne

Note to maintainer: you can add the story using CVS edit and manually close this bug. To close this bug and add the description to zz.dbi clicking here
47  Rodiandrea s?c=I TL 2356-3 116292
Thursday, Oct 15, 2020, 01:02:37 PM solved by Adrien (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
New description of story I TL 2356-3. Language: it.

Ciccio prova un nuovo concime

Note to maintainer: you can add the story using CVS edit and manually close this bug. To close this bug and add the description to zz.dbi clicking here
48  Rodiandrea s?c=I TL 2356-2 116291
Thursday, Oct 15, 2020, 01:00:59 PM solved by Adrien (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
New description of story I TL 2356-2. Language: it.

Paperino e Anacleto vengono obbligati dal sindaco a lavorare

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49  Rodiandrea s?c=I TL 2356-1 116290
Thursday, Oct 15, 2020, 12:56:51 PM solved by Adrien (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
New description of story I TL 2356-1. Language: it.

Topolino deve risolvere un furto per farsi perdonare da Minni

Note to maintainer: you can add the story using CVS edit and manually close this bug. To close this bug and add the description to zz.dbi clicking here
50  Rodiandrea s?c=I TL 2354-5 116288
Thursday, Oct 15, 2020, 12:23:16 PM solved by Adrien (full view, add comment) maintained by FSp
New description of story I TL 2354-5. Language: it.

Zio Paperone crea un programma in stile Grande Fratello

Note to maintainer: you can add the story using CVS edit and manually close this bug. To close this bug and add the description to zz.dbi clicking here
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