Paperinik e il rivale sleale

Story code
I TL 2926-3
Paperinik e il rivale sleale
3 rows per page
Pig mayor, Donald Duck, Duck Avenger, Huey Dewey and Louie, Jeeves, John D. Rockerduck [show character portraits]
Riccardo Pesce
Luca Usai
Cristina Giorgilli
Date of first publication
Referred to in
Qfr/MP 329B (article)

This story is rated 6.8/10 and ranked 42320/43759 according to COA users. There have been about 15 votes for this story.

enPK's former enemy steals PK's place as Duckburg hero. RKD has something to do with it (by Mrozik, history)
elCrime in Duckburg is almost extinct and Paperinik mostly inactive. Then brand new villains appear, always attacking one of Rockerduck's facilities. A new superhero is always there, thwarting their plans in brief encounters and forcing them to flee. The citizens hail him as Paperinik's superior replacement and turn their backs to their former protector. Meanwhile Paperinik starts suspecting that the new hero, the villains, and even Rockerduck are part of a conspiracy. (by dimadick, history)
itsarà Rocker Ranger il nuovo supereroe protettore di Paperopoli?
ptO crime em Patópolis está quase extinto e o Superpato quase inativo. Então novos vilões aparecem, sempre atacando uma das instalações do Patacôncio. Um novo super-herói está sempre presente, frustrando seus planos em breves encontros e forçando-os a fugir. Os cidadãos o chamam de substituto superior do Superpato e dão as costas ao ex-protetor. Enquanto isso, Superpato começa a suspeitar que o novo herói, os vilões e até mesmo Patacôncio são parte de uma conspiração. (by Paulo Henrique Sousa Silva, history)
Italy, TL 2926
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Italy, TL 2926
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France, MP 329
Greece, SALM 5
Germany, LTBUP36
Italy, PKOM 80

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