Uncle Scrooge
US and the first dime's tantrums (title translated from Italian reprint)

Story code
S AT 228-B
Disney Studio (foreign market stories)
US and the first dime's tantrums (title translated from Italian reprint)
Uncle Scrooge
4 rows per page
Aunt Eider, John D. Rockerduck, Quackmore, Uncle Scrooge [show character portraits]
Dick Kinney
Giorgio Pezzin?
Art (pencil and ink)
Giorgio Cavazzano
Date of first publication
Referred to in
article: Qdk/DDFR 32I, Qit/IMA 16E, Qit/MD 18H, Qit/MDCS 3I, Qit/TSI 15C
various: Qit/PM 205c (quiz), Qit/IDI 1L (article;sequence)

This story is rated 6.8/10 and ranked 43384/43759 according to COA users. There have been about 25 votes for this story.

Entry edited by: HF (December 4, 2012)

frFlairsou et Gripsou sont une fois de plus en lutte... (by Picsou74, history)
Italy, AT 228
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Italy, AT 228
This enlargement has been auto-generated, the result may sometimes be unexpected.


(5 countries, 16 publications)
France, PM 60
Greece, MIK 167
Italy, SAP 32
Greece, MIK 285
Greece, KX 174
Italy, IMP 17
France, PM 423
Italy, MDCS 3
Germany, TGDDSP 17
Italy, TSI 15
France, PM 559

Other scans (list of recently uploaded "originals")

original art, page 21
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