Search results (2 items)

    story     cover, illustration     gag     Non-Disney and/or non-comics

Code Title Number of pages Creators Publications Characters, comments
Amelia e la furia degli elementi
42 p.
3 rows per page
Francesco Artibani, Lello Arena
Giorgio Cavazzano
First published
Daisy Duck, Donald Duck, Granny De Spell, Magica De Spell, Minima De Spell, Miss Quackfaster, Ratface, Rosolio Rhododendron, Uncle Scrooge
Language code Description
en Magica's family come to visit, just as she is about to look for the weapons of the Gods . She finds them, but misses her chance to get the number one dime and has Donald fall in love with her-a fact she can't seem to change much to the anger of Daisy .
Amelia e il segreto di Babbo Natale
40 p.
3 rows per page
Francesco Artibani, Lello Arena
Silvio Camboni
First published
Donald Duck, Granny De Spell, Magica De Spell, Minima De Spell, Miss Quackfaster, Ratface, Rosolio Rhododendron, Santa Claus, Uncle Scrooge

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