Paperinik in... Guardie e ladri

Story code
I PK 18-1
Paperinik in... Guardie e ladri
3 rows per page
Donald Duck, Duck Avenger, Grandpa Beagle, Gyro Gearloose, The Beagle Boys [show character portraits]
Bruno Concina
Art (pencil and ink)
Alessandro Perina
Date of first publication

This story is rated 6.9/10 and ranked 33172/43673 according to COA users. There have been about 15 votes for this story.

deDaniel Düsentrieb montiert einen Charakter-Wandler an das Auto von Phantomias. Allerdings erfahren die Panzerknacker davon und stehlen daraufhin das Fahrzeug. (by Deponianer, history)
itArchimede inventa un congegno che inverte la personalità
plNowy wynalazek Diodaka zmienia charaktery. Po jego zastosowaniu kaczogrodzcy policjanci ruszają na miasto, by kraść, łupić i rabować! Co wobec tego stanie się z kaczogrodzkimi opryszkami? (by 83...154, history)
Italy, PK 18
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Greece, ALM 145
This enlargement has been auto-generated, the result may sometimes be unexpected.
Poland, KG 1997-03
Greece, ALM 145
Italy, PKC 17
Germany, LTBUP12
Italy, PKOM 23
France, CF 17

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