Paperinik e il tesoro di Dolly Paprika

Story code
I TL 2675-1
Paperinik e il tesoro di Dolly Paprika
3 rows per page
Dolly Paprika (1st), Brigitta MacBridge, Daisy Duck, Donald Duck, Duck Avenger, Fantomallard, Gladstone Gander, Uncle Scrooge
Marco Gervasio
Art (pencil and ink)
Marco Gervasio
Date of first publication
Refers to
quote: I TL 706-AP (The Diabolical Duck Avenger), W US 60-01 (The Phantom of Notre Duck), W WDC 256-01 (Northeaster on Cape Quack)
Referred to in
article: Qfr/MPHS 2H, Qgr/KWF 1H, Qgr/KX 238A, Qit/DAO 11C, Qit/PKOM 1B, Qit/UACK 20D
various: IC DDCO 33SPG (page 2, pencil only)

This story is rated 7.2/10 and ranked 673/43759 according to COA users. There have been about 45 votes for this story.

Entry edited by: LPJ (November 30, 2017)

frPicsou lit une légende selon laquelle, à la suite d'un braquage chez une comtesse, Dolly Paprika aurait perdu un collier qui se trouve être la clé du coffre-fort de Fantomius où celui-ci cachait ses butins. Picsou accompagne alors Brigitte à une soirée chez la petite-fille de la comtesse qui est en possession de ce collier et qui le met en jeu. Il force Donald à surveiller son coffre, mais ce dernier est décidé à participer aux recherches d'une manière ou d'une autre. (by Horace555, history)
deAnfang des 19. Jahrhunderts verliert Detta von Duz ihren Anhänger, der der Schlüssel zur Schatzkammer in der Villa Rosa ist, bei einem Diebstahl. In der Gegenwart nehmen die Ducks an einer Schnitzeljagd teil, Hauptpreis ist der Anhänger. (by TSetznagel, history)
itPaperone partecipa alla festa di Villa Stravagantis per avere, vincendo la caccia al tesoro, il ciondolo di Dolly Paprika utile per raggiungere il caveau di Fantomius. Ma trascura un dettaglio che solo Paperinik leggendo il diario di Fantomius sa e dopo aver risolto tutti gli indizi il magnate trova vuoto il caveau e Paperinik si gode la vittoria (by, history)
itviaggio nei luoghi tenebrosi di Paperopoli
plKaczogród w XIX wieku. Miasto, a w szczególności bogaci obywatele terroryzowani są przez Kwantomasa i jego dziewczynę Dolly Paprikę. Wszystkie łupy gromadzili w specjalnym skarbcu, a kluczem do niego był pierścionek Dolly. Podczas jednego ze skoków błyskotka została jednak zgubiona. (by tolio, history)
zh-hans史高治叔叔(US)想要去找玉面鸭多利(Dolly Paprika)几十年前丢失的心形钻石,于是唐纳德(DD)借助幽灵鸭的日记顺利找到了钻石。(本故事向超人鸭(Paperinik)当第二个故事《超人鸭的复仇》致敬。) (by RedDeWittBeakter, history)
Dolly Paprika (1st)
Brigitta MacBridge
Daisy Duck
Donald Duck
Duck Avenger
Gladstone Gander
Uncle Scrooge
Italy, TL 2675
more scans >>
Germany, LTB 376
This enlargement has been auto-generated, the result may sometimes be unexpected.
France, MP 300
Germany, LTB 376
Netherlands, PO3 150
Finland, AATK345
Greece, ALM 222
Germany, LTBUNI 2
Brazil, TP 573
France, GSD 5
Portugal, DEG 11
Italy, PKA 32
Portugal, AMHD 11
Germany, LTBUP32
Italy, PKOM 67

The information in the Inducks database is available under the conditions as mentioned in the Inducks licence. The pictures on this website are the property of Disney and are not part of Inducks.